Chapter 36

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1 week later

Jungkook's pov~

"Kookie-yah, I'm sure she's fine."

I pulled my palms down my face, sighing heavily as I sat down on our couch at the dorms. "It's been a week hyung. A week and no word from her. I'm just worried."

Seokjin hyung moved about the kitchen, making us both something to eat. We'd just finished recording for an upcoming project and the rest of the members were out doing god knows what.

During the past week, I had come to hate free time because that's when my mind went overboard thinking about the radio silence from my girlfriend. No calls, not even a lousy message and her phone was disconnected. Unfortunately, I didn't know her unnies' numbers.

I could have found out what exactly was going on through some other contacts with YG, I was sure I had two members of Winner's numbers. But I didn't want to make things difficult for Lisa by risking her company finding out.

The urge to just show up at her doorstep was very strong. But I refrained.

"She's usually sending me all kinds of goofy stuff on text all day. Heck, I sent her a shirtless picture last night and she didn't reply-"

"Jungkook!" Seokjin's face burned red. "I don't need to hear about you sexting her. Too much information dude."

I rolled my eyes at his supposed prudishness, betting that he wouldn't mind a shirtless picture of Namjoon hyung on his phone. ( a/n: sorry, I ship namjin too much :p)

"I'll be at the gym.", I told him, going out the door to the gym we had on the floor above. It was a recent addition and I was thankful for it.

Needing to let off some steam I started my reps on the pull up bar.

An hour later I was drenched in sweat, my muscles aching and mind kind of blank from all thoughts of Lisa. Finishing the last of the bench presses, I got up to fetch a hand towel to wipe the sweat off me.

My phone buzzed from one of the side tables and I immediately reached for it, hoping that it was finally her.

So much for not thinking about her.

It was an unknown number. I picked it up regardless. "Hello."


That small familiar voice made me feel like I could breath again after a decade underwater.

"Doll?" I ran an agitated hand through my hair. "Are you alright? What happened, why was your phone disconnected? I must have called you a hundred times by now. You had me so worried."

She cleared her throat."I um- can we- I mean can you-"

I frowned at her nervousness."What's wrong? Did your company find out? Is that it?"

"Yeah-I mean- I need to talk to you. Can we meet? Pim unnie's. In an hour." She was speaking very formally, none of the usual fond tone in her voice.

I didn't like it. "Yes of course, I'll be there. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good." She took a breath and paused as if she wanted to say more. But I guess she thought better of it. "See you."

She hung up.


Lisa's pov~

More than a million scenarios had run through my brain since last week, all culminating in me not breaking up with Jungkook and still stopping Tzuyu somehow. I was afraid if I told him about it, he'd go through with whatever evidence he had against her and she'd retaliate.

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