Chapter 38

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Lisa's pov~

"Are you sure about this?", Chaeng whispered through the door, keeping it closed so nobody could see me sneaking out.

"I have to try.", I murmured in a reply, zipping my hoodie up all the way. It was cold out, winter firmly setting in now that it was end of the year.

"Okay. Be careful. I'll tell the managers that you went with Red Velvet. Don't worry, Yeri promised to cover for you." With that and a one more order to be cautious Chaeng closed the door.

And right on time I saw a cab pull over at the curb outside the exit of the arena. With a deep breath I moved towards it.

Shutting the door and relaying my destination to the driver, I sat back to ponder over Jungkook's text message again.

Why the sudden change of mind? My brain recognised that something was amiss. But the heart wants what it wants.

I had to take this chance. If I didn't he might never agree to talk to me again.

I saw his dorm building approaching and sat up straight, paying the driver when he stopped the car.

The familiar fenced in and gated entrance greeted me as I stepped outside. My watch showed it was 9:45pm. I was early. I had no way of knowing if anybody was inside but thankfully the surrounding streets looked empty. Guess the fans knew their beloved idols weren't home.

I decided to wait at the gate. It was only 15 minutes, I didn't mind waiting. What I did mind though was the freezing cold weather.

My hoodie was light and just a minute outside and I was shivering like a leaf during autumn. I hugged my arms around me, trying my best to turn into a human burrito.

Just 15 minutes, Lisa. Then you can be toasty warm.

An hour passed and my tired, freezing legs gave way under me. I slid down to the ground and sat with my back against the outer wall. Closing my eyes and gritting my teeth against the biting cold, I rubbed my hands together to generate warmth.

Just a few minutes longer. He'll be here...

I didn't know how long I sat there, curled into myself, my mind going into a meditative state but the honk of a car horn down the road jerked me out of my stupor. I reluctantly pulled my hands out from underneath the hoodie to check the time.

12:38 am.

Sighing with disappointment, I got up from my spot, limbs aching from sitting in one place for too long. Guess he isn't coming. I'm such a fool...

The purr of an engine approaching made me tense up and turn. It was past midnight and he was coming home now?

A familiar black SUV stopped just a ways before the gated entrance and the back doors opened.

My brows drew in confusion as a clearly drunk Namjoon stumbled on the sidewalk, giggling as he tried several times to punch the correct code on the lock. He hadn't seen me lurking just ahead.

Giggling once more, he pushed inside as the gates finally opened, turning to shout out, "Take your time maknae, I won't disturb you."

I was so damn confused.

Just then a clearly high pitched voice came from inside the car. "Nooo. Stay here. I don't wanna go out, it's cold."

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