Capter One

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Wild Days And Darkest Nights

Blake sighed. It was a quiet night on the island of Menagerie. She leaned on the rope railing as she stood on a walkway over the shore. The moon was high in the sky that night and its shattered reflection shown brightly in the slowly moving waters of the tide as it rolled against the shore. Although it was 12:30 in the morning but she wasn't tired, just restless. That's why she was out on the bridge if the first place. She had needed to clear her head, to get away for just a while. She made sure that her mother, father, and Sun were asleep, she had slipped out her window and walked to the waters edge. There were few people out at this time of night, and the few people there were didn't bother her.

"Nice night isn't it..." Blake jumped, cat ears twitched at the sound of the voice. How had she not heard him approach? She turned to see where the person was and saw a figure standing there, almost completely hidden in shadows. All that she could make out was a catlike yellow eye. From his outline, she could see he was a Faunus, what type, she couldn't be sure. Them, the figure spoke again. "I often come down here to think, or to take my mind off things. It's quiet and peaceful."

He stepped into the light and Blake gasped slightly. He had a strikingly handsome face with catlike Golden-yellow eyes. His hair was medium length, choppy and jet black. But what caught Blake's attention the most were his ears... his cat Faunus ears. The fur was jet black, the exact same color as his hair. His skin was sun-browned  and tan from the sunlight of menagerie. It was Jason Creek, the Faunus prince of Remnant.

Blake instantly went into a low, almost sweeping, bow that took her down to one knee. "Prince Jason Creek. It's an honor." Jason chuckled before saying "You may rise." Blake stood up and blushed as he looked at her. He spoke next. "I hate it when people do that, bow like that to me I mean. I may be the prince of Remnant, but I'm still just a Faunus like most of the people on this island. It's why I don't get out much anymore."

Blake felt a twinge of respect for him as it washed over her that he didn't consider himself superior to anyone, Blake had spent enough time around Weiss back at beacon to know how that felt.

They stood in silence for a moment, simply listening to the sounds of the slow breeze and the sound of the tide as it rolled onto the shore before sliding away again. She looked at his face and saw what many could not, the pain behind his young eyes. He was only 17, barely older than her, and his eyes had clearly seen the same amount of pain and suffering.

"Your mark is showing." Jason's voice jolted Blake out of her thoughts and back to reality. As soon as she registered what he meant, her hand jumped to cover the White Fang mark on her upper left arm, but it was too late, jason had seen it. Her jacket-top must have slipped without her noticing.

Jason chuckled slightly "Don't worry, you have nothing to fear from me..." Jason lifted up his left sleeve to reveal the same mark. Blake's eyes went wide. The prince of Remnant had been a white fang member?  Jason saw her shock and put a hand on her shoulder. Blake blushed scarlet at this gesture. His hand was warm against her cool skin. "You are not alone. We've both seen the error of our ways and are trying to make it go away." Blake nodded slowly before replying. "The problem is, the past isn't always willing to go quietly." Jason nodded. "Well said." Jason removed his hand from her shoulder as she looked slightly upward into his eyes. She saw caring and loyalty there, but also pain and guilt. She recognized it well as she herself was not clear of her guilt either.

Jason sighed as he looked around them, at the quiet waters, the houses and shops, the few people outside, talking or walking around, to the quiet night, and finally at Blake herself. Blake felt herself blush return to her face as she met his steady gaze. Damn he was hot. Blake almost instantly scolded himself for thinking of tat. He was the prince. No doubt he had to be with some high class fancy girl. The thought made her a little sad. Except that one piece in the back of her mind that thought hopefully, if she was lucky, she might just have a shot.

Jason broke the silence. "One day, when I'm king, it fix all this. I'll get Faunus the equality and rights we deserve! But I'll do it the right way. Without murder. What Adam Taurus has done to the white fang disgusts me." Blake flinched a little at the sound of Adam's name. She yawned and stretched. She should get to bed. "Well," she said as she looked into Jason's eyes. 
"It's been great talking to you, but I've gotta get back to bed." Blake turned away and began to walk back towards her house when Jason spoke up.

"Wait!" Blake turned to face face him. "I never got your name." Blake smirked, damn he WAS good. "Blake." She said as calmly as she could. "Blake Belladonna." "Well," Jason said "See ya around Blake..." And with that, he gave her a roguish wink and walked off, leaving her breathless, and blushing deep scarlet. As she got undressed and climbed into her bed, she thought of what had just happened. It was with thoughts of Jason in her mind that she drifted off to sleep. Blake may not have known it at the time, but she was in love for the fist time in her life. With just a wink, the Faunus prince had stolen her heart.
As Jason walked back towards the road that lead to the castle of Menagerie, his mind was racing with thoughts of Blake. She had a mysterious vibe that made her interesting to him. Not to mention the fact that she was absolutely beautiful. Almost instantly he realized that she was probably already seeing someone. Yet he just couldn't get her out of his mind. By the time he got to the castle that night, he was sure of one thing, he had to see her again.

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