Chapter 2 - Breaking in and doing my duty

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I stood in the shadows of the building opposite the prison. This would not be easy, if caught I would be taken to Richelieu which could be very risky and my job would be on the line. Saying that; I haven’t done something as risky as this before and was eager to do it.

 I waited for the door of the prison to open before I slipped inside just as the door closed. I had very little time to find Athos before the red guards find out that there’s a problem. I stepped into the shadows as two guards passed me. Idiotic twats didn’t even notice me; this may be easier than I thought.

“I killed the woman I loved. Don’t waste your time with me” I heard Athos mutter to the father.

“May God have mercy on your soul” answered the father before continuing on his way. I walked over to Athos’ cell and crouched down next to him.

“You killed her because of what she put you through” I told him sternly

“Kaitlyn, go you should not be here” warned Athos “I should’ve fought” he muttered to himself

“Then you would not be the musketeer that I know you are” I said. Athos put a hand on my jaw and kissed the top of my forehead.

“How can you have the patience of a saint and still be an assassin, I’ll have no idea?” wondered Athos

“Aramis, Porthos and D’Artagnan are trying to find the person who uses your name” I informed him

“Hopefully they can find something before dawn tomorrow otherwise there will be no point” said Athos “Go now before someone sees you”  

“I might be able to pull a few strings” I said before I took off.


I had managed to get out of the prison without being spotted. I ran up to my horse and jumped on the saddle without stopping. Flicking the reins hard I rode through the market town of France following a trail of hoof prints that led on the road out of Paris. The snow rose up as I galloped along the snowy trail; the sun was setting in the east as I rode.

The trail stopped at an old fortress. A red guard lay unconscious at the gate; that means Aramis and Porthos either have been here or still are here. I slipped off the saddle and ran inside the fortress to see Aramis, Porthos and D’Artagnan fighting red guards all over the place. Five guards looked at me and drew their swords.

“I’m giving you this chance to surrender and get out of here” I warned. All five men burst out laughing, even when I drew my sword they continued to laugh. I battled all of them at once. Sparks flew off the swords as they clashed together. In five minutes, all five guards now lay dead at my feet. “You can’t say I didn’t warn you” I said happily as I walked away, sheathing my sword and pulling my bow of my shoulder. I knocked in an arrow as Aramis walked up to me positively grinning.

“When did you get here?” asked Aramis

“About…” I started but I was interrupted by a guard running towards us. I shot him in the eye without looking. “Can’t you see we’re trying to have a conversation?”

“Really rude isn’t it?” asked Aramis

“I got here about 10 minutes ago” I told him as I switched once again to a sword.

“Where were you if I may ask?” asked Aramis as he slashed his sword across a red guard’s stomach.

“Checking on my brother, if you don’t mind” I said as I noticed the fighting had stopped. Sorry the fighting hadn’t stopped we just won the battle. A man in uniform got up behind D’Artagnan. I quickly knocked an arrow into my bow and launched it. The arrow hit the man’s forehead.

“There goes our suspect” said D’Artagnan shortly

“Musketeer uniforms” says Porthos proudly.

“Come again?” I asked.

“The man who was framing Athos stole a whole bunch of Musketeer uniforms” said Aramis

“Then we have to get back to Paris, Athos is being executed at sunrise” I said

“Then we better get going then” said Constance behind me.

“Question, why are you in a dress?” I asked

“His idea” pointed out Porthos as he pointed at D’Artagnan

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” I wondered as D’Artagnan gave Constance his jacket like a proper gentleman.

We made our way back to the horses.


(3rd Person’s POV)

Athos was led through the prison halls, four guards made his escape impossible as they stood on either side of him. There was no hope for Athos anymore. Aramis, Porthos and Kaitlyn were too late. Men on either side of the hall laughed at Athos as he walked past the prison cells.

The guards led Athos to the courtyard where the execution would take place. Athos was expecting the noose or the block but not this, never this. He was to be executed by a firing squad. Athos was put into position and chained to the pole behind him. Five red guards readied their muskets. 1 second past, then two and they still haven’t shot.

“Come and shoot damn you!” roared Athos. As the five red guards were about to shoot, an arrow was shot missing Athos’ head by a few millimetres.

“Stop; we have a signed letter of release from the king himself” said Aramis proudly as he came down the steps followed by Porthos and D’Artagnan. The captain of the red guards took the release letter from Aramis and signalled to the others to let Athos go. Athos let out a sigh of relief. There was little talk as they made their way up the stairs after Athos nodded his head towards D’Artagnan.


(Kaitlyn’s POV)

I sat on the stairs of the musketeers’ garrison throwing an apple up and down in one hand. Since I got here, Athos, Aramis and Porthos have been a very long time.

“La Fae, can I see you for a minute?” asked Treville from the balcony. He went back into his office and I let out a groan. This can’t be good. I stood up and placed the apple on the table. I walked up the stairs and into Treville’s office.

“Whatever happened, it wasn’t my fault and I never had anything to do with it. You can put that in your bloody report the…” I started then I saw Treville’s face. He had an expression of amusement on his face “I’m not in trouble am I?”

“No you’re not in trouble” said Treville

“And I’m a complete idiot aren’t I?” I asked

“No you’re just jumping to conclusions as always” said Treville “I wanted to talk to you because I know of your views about how women are treated”

“What has Athos being telling you?” I asked

“Nothing, I saw you fighting a few days ago. I’ll speak to the King, see if he needs an extra guard or something, it will be better than working for the Cardinal”

“Thank you sir” I said kindly.

“My pleasure” said Treville as he opened the door and showed me out of his office.

The Assassin of France (A [The Musketeers fanfiction])Where stories live. Discover now