First Homecoming

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Well it was fun that was for sure. It was busy, loud and before i got there there was already a freshman that was in an ambulance cause she was sooo drunk and high when she came that she broke her heel, making her fall and break her leg. It was crazy, the "adults that are supposed to be making sure people don't come like that or anything" isn't obviously smart enough or just plain blind cause u should be able to tell a person that can't walk, is high and drunk!! I personally was running around alot and dancing like there was no tommmorow. My feet have blisters from wearing my heels for 10 mins before i took them off. I lost part of my voice cause it was so loud u had to yell and repeat urself multiple times. My knees, calfs, and feet were killing me last night it was crazy. I was dancing with multiple people we just pretty much got in a big group and dance together sometimes going off to talk or do other things like take photos or drinks. We danced right up in the front where the speakers were blowing music loudly, the bass shook the floor sometimes. I had trouble hearing tx to it. Ur probably wondering why so close? Well it's cause that was the only spot free with enough room to dance how we wanted and the bass was amazing when it shook ur body as u danced. I actually felt more like myself in any clothing ever when I wore my dress. I have bunches of photos to show u but some my friend who I wa s getting ready with her mom has some on her phone that she still hasn't sent me yet sorry but I got some more to show u guys. But a downfall was being in so much pain after and I was almost grinded against by 3 people and I was not/is not ok with that. I'm not that type of person. And plus it was a forkin school dance!!!! So they are crazy u should have seen how many people were grinding and it was stated 3 times before the dance that grinding was not allowed but no one listens and the adults don't care. But I do wish some others where there too. We would totally jam out to the blasting music. By the end my strapless push up bra t hat was 4 sizes too small and 2 letters too small and dress made it hard to breath with everything it was bad. But yeah sorry for such a long note most probably don't care at all anyways but ik some do. Oh yeah sorry the theme was fly me to the moon.

 Oh yeah sorry the theme was fly me to the moon

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