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I'm so so so so so sorry if it seems like I've died or something because I haven't updated in about a month or 2 to let you guys know what's going on. If you needed to talk to me I would have still answered I just haven't had anything really interesting to update lately that you guys would actually wanna hear and care about. Then more recently I got sick and have been having family problems. I had another allergic reaction to some 7 layer bars my mom was making and found out that I'm also allergic to coconut so that's more things I can't eat which is sad. I swear my body hates me but I can see why *shrughs* I keep growing into my allergies instead of out of them which is sad. Do you know how hard it is to try to find stuff that I can eat??? It's super hard cause corn is in almost everything!!!! Then I make people feel bad when I go over to thier house or they give me food and I don't eat it cause I can't or I don't know what's all in it cause even if you tell me the ingredients the things that make those probably have things I'm allergic to so like I'm screwed either way!!! I hate that I make people feel bad about it cause it's not like I expect you to remember all the things I'm allergic to which btw is over 20 things at least. Then if you add environmental things I'm a walking science test subject! Sorry please don't feel bad about any of this I just needed to blab to someone or multipule people about my fucking allergies that I swear are killing me. But like I put such a heavy toll on my family.  I am the worst person there is to have in a family. But whatever I'll get through it.... hopefully. Sorry about this long ass rant about my allergies I know it isn't very exciting. If you need someone to talk to or need advice I can help or send you to my amazing friend that gives me advice without even knowing it most of the time! I love her. I love you guys. And I somewhat not really love my life but hey what can ya do about it? *shrughs* well I'm sure Lori (the friend that's amazing at giving advice and just being friends with, talkign to, oh and LOVES ROLE PLAYING!!!!) Would love to help you guys in any way she loves talking to people too. Me and her have been rping for the last like 5 days in one of her books it's amazing. But her account is.....


Have an amazing day, night, morning, or whatever it is there for ya when your reading this. I hope you all had an amazing holiday and if you didn't or don't celebrate then I'm sorry but I hope it was at least an ok day for ya

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