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Ok so apparently im even better at unintentionally hurting myself then I thought.  Today i injured myself more so then I usually do. Usually it's my feet or accidentally stabbing my finger with a straight pin. But today it just had to be worse when I need my finger to work on christmas presents for my family this year. Im supposed to be sewing them felt minion dolls by hand but it's a little hard when my finger is in quite a bit of pain and looking like this

 Im supposed to be sewing them felt minion dolls by hand but it's a little hard when my finger is in quite a bit of pain and looking like this

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That's like about 8 hours after I did it to myself on accident may I say and squeezed out some of the blood cause the back top part of my finger was swollen alot more but since I squeezed some out its gone down but still hurts like crazy

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That's like about 8 hours after I did it to myself on accident may I say and squeezed out some of the blood cause the back top part of my finger was swollen alot more but since I squeezed some out its gone down but still hurts like crazy. Can anyone guess what's caused my finger to look like this?

It was a stupid fucking truck door that slammed on my finger. I barely even pushed the door but it closed faster then I expected and I didn't know my finger was in the way. When I pulled my finger out I expected it to be like broken and all snarled turned in many directions but nope just a blue fingernail send bleeding out the side. And yes ik by it continuing to bleed is a good thing cause then the blood isnt building up under my nail but my mom and grandma say im going to lose my nail. I'm scared to lose it I've lost a toenail 3 times on the same big toe and it hurts if anything touches the skin underneath the nail. Kinda like when you accidentally jab something hard and pointy just under your nail and you pull your hand away saying ow waving it about. When I slammed my finger all I said was owie. My grandma expected me to swear and was surprised I didn't cause when she was younger she slammed 3 of her fingers into a door that was locked so she had to wait there until the door was unlocked before she could take them out. Her 3 fingers were broken and she swore and if you know my grandma you know she is super religious and dares to put soap in your mouth for saying fudge because "everyone knows what word your implying to say" and it was while she was at girls camp (a thing our church does) then ask for a blessing from the person she just cussed in front of

Let's just say my finger hurts alot and I can't do much now until it heals. So learning how to sew with my thumb and middle finger it is cause it hurts to even lift my finger high enough I don't bite it while trying to eat tacos

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