22- Sometimes i really hate you y/n

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We walk into Colby's room with Elton trailing behind me. We pick up Colby who was already passed out by his arms and legs. We get him into the washroom when he half wakes up

"what the" Colby mumbles. We walk in "y/n no!" And with that I drop Colby into the bathtub filled with ice.

"oh my f**k f**k! That's so cold! oh my god ah, ah, ah! get me out! That is freaking cold- ahh!" Colby screams as Elton turns on the shower and makes it colder. Colby pretty much jumps  out of the tub and we laugh. Sam comes in and realizes what's going on "You are cruel people" Sam says, leaving. "Damn it! We didn't catch it on camera!" Elton says, kinda bummed. "But his reaction!" I say, laughing.

"Cruel! Cruel woman! Who's idea was this?" Colby asks. Elton points to me. Colby gets up and begins chasing me, I race into Aaron's room and close the door, scaring the crap out of Aaron.

"Y/n! Are you ok?! What's wrong?" Aaron asks. We hear Colby banging on the door "
y/n-" "I pranked Colby" "open up y/n!" Colby says in his Coleen voice "Come out and play" he says and begins trying to open the door. Aaron gets up and keeps the door close "go lock yourself in my bathroom. It actually has a lock" he says and I race to the washroom. Colby stopped and Aaron raced in with me and locked the door. We hear the door creek open.

"I know you're in here Y/n..." Colby says. I hear him open the closet door harshly. "Oh
y/n" he says. I hear him moving Aaron's chair so he must be looking under the desk. We hear him leave the room "that was close" Aaron says "What did you do to him?" Aaron asks and I look at him and tilt my head "how did you not hear him scream?" I ask. Aaron shrugs "I was watching YouTube. Now what did you do?" He asks and I begin telling him, trying not to burst out laughing "Elton put ice in a bath and I filled it with cold water and we put Colby in it while he was sleeping" I say.

Aaron looks excited "did you catch it on camera?" I shake my head "no-" before I could tell him why I hear a knock on the door "come out y/n" he says. "Never!" I shout "but" Colby says "I have a cookie" he says. I can pretty much sense the fact he's smirking. "I don't believe you!" I shout, Aaron is just laughing.

"Fine, open the door a little and I'll show you" trusting him, I crack the door open after unlocking it and see a cookie in his hand "cookie!" I shout swinging the door and tackling him to the ground and taking the cookie out of his hands "mine!!" I shout. I cough due to how much I've been shouting.

I lay on the floor and eat the cookie. Colby and Aaron are standing in front of me laughing. "Hey Aaron" I begin, getting up and taking another bite "I fowgot chu tew chu. Me an Cookie aw daping" I say, Colby has fell to the floor laughing "how about you swallow then tell me" Aaron says laughing, harder then I've seen him laugh before.

I swallow and begin my sentence again "I forgot to tell you. Me and Colby are dating" I say grabbing Colby's hand, who was currently still laying down on the floor. "Oh! Good for you guys" he says, Corey pops in "Make a baby!" Corey yells and immediately exits the room before Colby could tear his head off. "I'm going to bed, you coming?" Colby asks. I nod. "Goodnight Aaron" I say "goodnight y/n" he says as I exit the room closing the door behind me

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