An old friend

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The morning sun shined bright in the clear blue sky, small wisps of white clouds were seen. It seemed like it would a lovely day, the sunlight sneaked in through the forest branches and cast small little areas of light into almost dark forest.

Tord pounced onto the one small spots of light with a playful growl, the little kitten was having fun and attacking light is fun. Paul was a few feet away, stalking a bird that was pecking at the ground looking for worms.

Tord stopped and awed as a ladybug flew over his head, Tord crouched down as bug landed on a leaf. Tord slowly stalked over to it before he jumped and crushed the bug under his paws, a loud squawk made him jump. Paul grabbed the bird in his jaws and was struggling to keep it there. He down harshly, a sickening crack was heard.Paul shook the bird around in his jaws till it was dizzy and he snapped its neck,

Tord watched him walk over to him, bird in mouth. Tord's tail swished as he picked up his bug with his tiny teeth. Paul chuckled as he dropped the bird in front of him, Tord did the same with the ladybug. Paul grabbed one of the bird's wing and tore it off for himself, he always lets Tord have the good parts.

He is a growing kit

Tord also tried to tear off the wings but only ended up with a mouth full of feathers. Paul couldn't help but laugh softly as he pulled the wing off for him. Tord took it and started eating, Paul laid down and did the same. Bones crunched under his jaws as he ate while Tord spitted out feathers.


Paul was taking Tord to the pond again, apparently it's safe there. Animals have gone and went without a scratch, meaning hunters haven't located this area.

Paul sat down in the shade as Tord started lapping up water. Paul yawned softly, he hasn't been getting much sleep.

Paul shook his head, no he can't sleep now.

Tord was dipping his paw in the water and swishing it around, causing little ripples. His ears pricked up as the brush shook, he hiss softly his fur bristling. Out came a large deer with a large set of antlers to match, his green eyes locked at Tord as the kitten backed up.

The deer walked forward and bended its own head down to drink from the water.Tord relaxed for a second but jumped back as the large animal walked towards him, "now what is a kitten like you look like Freya's and Oak's kid"

"I'm sorry but I think you're in the wrong  place" Paul said standing over Tord who backed up to hide behind him. "Thought you'll be here Paul" the deer said making the wolf growl, "What do you want Forrest".

"I just came for a drink but seeing that this might be your kid, what happened to being a lone wolf" he said making Paul sigh. "You could say that I changed my mind, I need something in my life. I need a purpose and Tord is my purpose and son"

"Alone and friends forever, we said that when we were younger.That we don't need anyone else but ourselves and look at you, a softy that thinks he's still the wolf I once knew"

Paul sighed, "Forrest you know that we're suppose to be groups, packs, herds, whatever. It's in our natures and we didn't do that, you find a mate and settle down. Tord made me happy and maybe you can be happy with others".

Forrest snorted and stamped his hooves down, "I don't need anyone!!" he yelled.

Paul snarled and bared his fangs, Tord made a break for a bush.

Paul looked at the kitten who covered his eyes with his paws making him stop growling. Forrest took the distraction and charged him, Paul was thrown to the ground. Forrest reared up, Paul rolled out of the way as he hooves stamped where he just was. Paul snarled and jumped on his back, Forrest run around trying to shake him off.

Paul bit his neck. Forrest fell back against a tree making Paul lose his grip and slip off. Forrest kicked him in the head making him fall back, Paul shook his head and managed to back up. Why did he think he can win this fight, Forrest was about to charge him till something caught the corner off his eye.

Paul snarled but that was quickly replaced with a cry of pain as he fell down onto his stomach. Forrest froze, the wolves hind paw was caught in a bear trap. The deer backed up as the werewolf whimpered in pain, Forrest felt something run under his legs and he saw Tord approach his injured father.

"T-tord no get away" Paul said as the kitten whimpered, scared. "I can get you out" Forrest said but froze as he a bullet flew by his head. Paul snarled while Tord gave a scared cry as he tried to hide in his father's fur or under his stomach.

Forrest looked at the wolf and backed up, "I-i'm sorry" he said before running off into the forest while managed to dodge the bullets. Paul growled, "Tord run"...but Tord was to frighten to move. Paul tried to nudge him into moving but failed, he can smell his fear and it was strong.

Paul ears twitched as he heard footsteps making him look around till another scared cry came from Tord. His head snapped back to see a large human holding the kitten who clawed and tried biting to get out of his grip. Paul growled and tried to lunge at him only to fall back down and dig the spikes deeper into his paw making him whimper in pain.

Tord whimpered and cried in fear as one of the hunter put some cage thing over his mouth, he assumed it was to stop him for biting.

Paul was about to snarl again but he was shot with a tranquilizer making him growl before passing out making Tord panik and squirm more. He heard the human talk to his friend as he watched them put another cage over paul's muzzle and chain his paws together as they picked him up.

Tears were going down the felines face, he thought they killed his father. Tord wanted to cry again, he lost more family again.


Forrest watched for a distance as he saw the two hunters carry the two away, the deer looked at the forest behind him. He could easily leave them to die, the deer sighed and turned around to walk away. Guilt heavy in his chest, now he was really alone.

He just lost his only friend, after all the horrible things he said because he was so prideful.

The poor kitten

Forrest's ears dropped as he looked in the small puddle in front of him, he's ashamed. He was too scared and left them both there to die, some friend he is.

Writing this broke my heart

I put songs ontop because they usually match the chapter, they also show a hint for the next chapter

Hehehe start decoding

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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