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Hello! Welcome to my new book, and if you haven't read my other one (The Place To Be), welcome to my account! I'm Holly, I'm 15 years old and I'm fucking obsessed with Hamilton.

Before we begin, I just wanted to mention that this book will most likely contain things that could be triggering to people of the LGBTQ+ community, and I want you all to know that of course, none of the bad opinions in this book towards people of this community are my opinions.
I also don't condone underage drinking but it is shown in this story.

I'm going to put as much effort into this book as I can to make it into something that I'd want to read, because I'm not the biggest fan of my old book and I feel like you guys deserve something better than that.

A brief explanation- I'm almost certain that I created this au, I haven't seen it anywhere else at least (please correct me if I'm wrong!!) , and that is that your hair type (curly, wavy, straight) depends on your sexuality (gay, bi, straight)

I know that there are more sexualities than this, but the characters I use will most likely just fit into any of those three categories, since this will mainly just focus on Alex and John.

Also, I just thought I should clarify that in this au everyone has straight hair until puberty hits, which is why John's family doesn't know.


A/N- 22/04/18

I'm not into Hamilton anymore, I still respect the musical as an amazing piece of art and Lin-Manuel Miranda is a lyrical genius, but no offence but i fucking hate the fandom LMAO BYEEE I'M SORRY.

[DISCONTINUED] My Whole Family Thinks I'm Straight (Lams)Where stories live. Discover now