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"Lexi!" John heard a voice squeal, despite the closed door between them. He felt his shoulders, which had previously been hunched up from drawing, drop down slightly. Just from the sheer tone of her voice, John knew that he wouldn't get along with Maria in the slightest. Over dramatically he rolled his eyes back and slammed his head down onto the desk, groaning as his newly formed cut and bruise hit against a pencil.

He heard muffled talking from a much more pleasant voice, Alex's. He couldn't understand exactly what Alex was saying at first but his voice got louder as he walked over to the room and knocked on the door.

"Hey John, Maria just got here, want to come say hi?" Alex smiled as he poked his head around the door.

John gritted his teeth slightly and looked to Alex, nodding his head softly. "I'll be out in a second." Alex grinned wider in return and turned back around, leaving John alone in his room. John let out an embittered breath as he heard the door close and leant back in the swivel chair, blowing the hair dangling in front of his eyes out of the way.

"Showtime." He said to himself sarcastically as he stood up and walked out of the room inattentively. The sight that he was greeted with was one he honestly couldn't give two shits about, Maria Lewis.

She was just as he'd imagined: red lipstick, sharp eyeliner and tight form-fitting clothes. Annoyingly for him, she had wavy hair. Bitch.

He shoved his hands deep into his pockets and walked over to them, forcing a smile onto his face when Maria noticed him and her face lit up.

"John! It's great to meet you, Alex has told me plenty about you." She smiled at him, holding her hand out for a handshake. John smirked and grasped it firmly, enthusiastically shaking it as he looked her right in the eyes.

"Nice to meet you too Maria, but Alex has actually told me absolutely nothing about you until this morning." He said, enjoying the expression Maria made after he'd said that. Alex glared at him with wide eyes, his cheeks immediately becoming flushed with a deep red colour. John just shrugged towards Alex, the smirk ever-present on his face. They all heard a rhythmic knock from the front door and John smiled. "Must be Martha, I'll get it."

As he went to answer the door he heard mutters come from Maria behind him, something along the lines of "What the fuck Alex? Why didn't you tell him about me? Am I not important to you?" Alexander, being the self-righteous prick he is defended himself with retorts such as "It never came up in conversation!"

Needless to say, John was very proud of the small feud he'd caused between the two.

He swung open the door to see Martha standing there. She had her hair in two space buns and was wearing one of John's hoodies, that was three sizes too big for her, with ripped black jeans and converse shoes. Despite being gay, he couldn't fault how adorable she is, even in somewhat sloppy clothes and minimal makeup.

John smiled at her as she looked up to him, a faint blush spreading across her face. "Heya Johnny." She beamed at him, standing on her tip toes and pecking him on the lips.

He pulled her into a hug, inhaling the familiar sweet scent of her perfume. "Hi Mattie, come meet Alex and Maria."

He slung his arm over her shoulder and led her over to a very annoyed looking Maria and Alex, who quite frankly looked like he didn't give a shit about whatever had just happened.

Alex looked up to Martha and chuckled a little as he walked up to her and they did their handshake. John found it ridiculous how they'd become friends over the few months and Alex would constantly say John was jealous, which he'd try, and miserably fail, to deny.

"Greetings and salutations." Alex said in his best JD impression, which quite frankly was pretty awful. Martha visibly cringed at this, making John laugh a little.

"Alex that was fucking dreadful." She said, wrapping her arms around John's torso.

"Yeah, I mean we all love Heathers but I think Christian Slater would've cried if he heard you butcher it like that." John added as he rested his head on top of Martha's.

Alex scowled and grabbed John's arm. "Whatever, you're helping me make breakfast because I'm incompetent." He'd started to drag John away when Martha grabbed John's other arm with her eyes practically sparkling.

"Are you going to make-"

"Oh yeah, you know it." John smirked before being dragged away by Alex. As soon as they got into the kitchen Alex sat himself down on the kitchen table and John was already pulling out several ingredients from the fridge.

"Care to tell me what you're actually going to make?" Alex asked as he leant his chin in his hand.

John spun around to Alex and slammed his hands down on the table either side of him, making Alex flinch slightly and snap out of the calmness he'd felt before.

"Alexander Hamilton, you are about to experience a taste sensation that will leave you begging for more." John said almost menacingly.

"Kinky." Alex mumbled, earning him a flick on his forehead.

"I am making Eleanor Laurens' famous pancakes that even Martha will tell you are the best pancakes known to mankind. I'm proud to say that I've mastered the art of making these so you are truly in for a fucking treat."

"Whatever Johnny, just get on with it." Alex complained, leaning back and grabbing his phone from his pocket."

John rolled his eyes and got to work with creating the godsend that is his mothers pancakes whilst Alex remained as useful as a fireplace in summer, in other words not useful in the slightest.

Not too long later Alex's scroll through his twitter feed was interrupted by John shoving two plates stacked with pancakes at him. "Take those to the girls." John grumbled as he grabbed two more plates and held a bottle of syrup in his elbow.

They walked back to the living room to see the girls engaging in some sort of conversation. "Alright lovely ladies, I hope you're ready for the best breakfast you'll ever have." Alex announced.

"Alex you've never tried them." John deadpanned, seeing Martha roll her eyes in agreement.

"Well I trust you two so shut the fuck up John, I was trying to be dramatic." Alex complained, passing a fork to each of the girls along with their plates.

Alex and John sat down with their girlfriends and started to eat their pancakes. As soon as he'd taken his first bite Alex practically melted into his seat and turned to John "Holy shit Laurens, these are fucking incredible."

John nodded to him and smirked. "Thank Eleanor, not me."

Maria turned to him to talk to him for the first time since their very brief first conversation. "So you've got amazing skills in the kitchen, which I wish I could say about Alex, and you're handsome as hell. What else haven't I been told about you?" Maria said to John. Before John could even try to form a response he choked on his pancake and started to mutter something incoherent, and Martha scooted closer to him and looked at Maria with an angry frown. Alex sat up straight as a wide grin grew on his face.

"I don't know Mar, I'm pretty sure I told you about his good looks." He said, winking at Martha. She caught on that he was trying to annoy Maria and nodded slightly for him to keep going. "I mean, just this morning I saw him shirtless and let me tell you, it w-"

"Alright, thank you Alexander I think that's quite enough." Maria said in a stern voice. Throughout this whole ordeal John had become a flustered red mess and had proceeded to hide behind his hands. Martha was trying to hold in her laughter at the combination of John's embarrassment and Alex's comments.

"Who knew breakfast with you guys could be so exciting?" Martha joked, shovelling more pancakes in her mouth.

CRINGE LOLLLL y'all know I hate A/Ns but I just needed to say something quickly. This chapter is kinda shit and short, I know, but I'm planning on fixing it soon so just deal with it for now please lol, I kinda forgot how to write in this past month. Also it's late because I only like writing on my phone and I haven't had it for a few days because I'm dumb.

See ya soon ;)

[DISCONTINUED] My Whole Family Thinks I'm Straight (Lams)Where stories live. Discover now