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"John?" Alex nudged his friend, who previously had his eyes glued to the film blaring from his laptop.

John grudgingly looked over to Alex, who was slouched on the sofa next to him whilst almost subconsciously stroking his cat, Winston. He tried to focus on Alex but evidently his undivided attention was on the film as he discreetly flicked his eyes back to the screen every so often. "Yeah?"

"Do you want to go back to your house to grab some clothes since you'll be staying here? It's alright if you want to just borrow mine, but it would be no trouble for me to drive you over."

John's eyes widened in realisation that on one hand he'd have to go back and possibly face Henry, but on the other he needed to go and retrieve his hair straighteners.

"Um, yeah it would probably be best to go back." He pulled his phone from his pocket and checked the time, squinting a little at the harsh light that contrasted with the dark surroundings. "It's half twelve, he'll probably be asleep by now. I'd better ask Martha to check."

For his own sake he turned the brightness down so as not to blind himself, then pulled up his messages with his sister.

'Hey Martha, is Dad asleep? I want to come back and get some clothes but really don't want to see him.'

He shut off his phone and tried to focus his attention back towards the film, but found his previously fixated attitude towards it had diminished a fair amount, as he instead had the thought of Henry's anger bugging him like a parasite.

Just moments later his phone buzzed beside him and lit up, displaying a new message.

'Yeah, but thanks for waking me up dickhead.' She texted back. John could almost hear the foul tone through the message and could only imagine the anger that she'd put into pressing each letter.

"Ooh, you woke her up? She's gonna be so pissed at you." Alex laughed, side-eyeing John with a squint.

John shoved Alex, who had been nudging closer to him and elbowing him in his ribs, to the other side of the sofa, yet this still not manage to lessen his laughter.

"Careful John, you nearly crushed Winston!" Alex said in an attempt to remain serious. "He's still a small, delicate kitten." He cooed, stroking the cat's chin. 

John decided to ignore him, opting for over-dramatically rolling his eyes instead. "Fuck off, Alexander, I'm sure that Martha will get over it by the morning. I'm going to get my coat and shit, you get yours too."

He reached over to the laptop and paused the film before proceeding to retrieve his daily attire of his waterproof jacket and khaki-green shoes, all whilst Alex managed to stand up and start to walk to his bedroom.

"Oh, by the way Alex," John called across to Alex from the front door, subsequently provoking the latter to stop mid stride and turn to face John, who had a wide smirk on his face. "Winston isn't delicate, he's fat as hell, man."

Alex shot John a threatening look that would kill him if it could. Both boys stared at each other, chestnut brown eyes interlocking with hazel ones as Alex backed into the adjoining room.

He emerged just a few moments later, wrapped up in his thick coat and a fuzzy scarf.
"C'mon bitch, let's go." Alex said whilst spinning his car keys around his index finger.

"Jesus fuck, Alexander, you're going to take an eye out with that." John cried, snatching the keys from the other. In response, Alex could only laugh at John's worried expression and tone to his voice.

They exited the apartment, descended the many stairs and headed towards the barren parking lot. During their short drive to John's house, the majority of the conversation was taken up by John criticising Alex's driving skills, which were in fact terrible.

[DISCONTINUED] My Whole Family Thinks I'm Straight (Lams)Where stories live. Discover now