A Worthwhile Transaction

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The Tsubaki family were notorious money lenders, which led to numerous connections throughout Japan. Some of that wealth even got them noticed internationally, but though they were financiers only, the underbelly occasionally partnered with them as well. Jiro disliked this side of his family's business since he was a child. While his family may not have handled death contracts themselves, they were known for covering the flow of cash for payments. There were also occasional backroom deals amongst the wealthy and disenfranchised.

It was a windy Sunday evening when the Miramadi widow sauntered into the Tsubaki house under guard. She was dressed in a revealing gown, much too young for her, and high heel pumps. The personal guard who had caught her found her at a hotel bar trying to spend as much of her late husband's assets as possible, on cheap hosts. When she sat across from Grandfather Tsubaki in his home office she gave very little reverence to his class and proper treatment of her.

Grandfather leaned into his butler's ear, "Don't bother serving her, she's obviously drunk". Leaning forward toward the woman he directed his words carefully.

"I assume you know that I am the holder of your husband's corporate finances. Though given your spending, which helped us find you, you may not be appreciative of his debts. As his wife, you are required to pay them... I could set up work for you and manage the relinquished portfolio to amend the debt." he said stoically.

She cocked her head back and laughed. "That moneys mine, it was in the contract with him and I'm not giving up a cent. If you want work take that brat he wanted so bad. Even a kid can work off debt, take her and do whatever you want. Use her up however, I don't care."

Grandfather Tsubaki's stomach turned at the woman's words. "What kind of business do you exactly think I run Woman!!!!" he roared, before the butler Alfred put his hand on the master's shoulder. Surely a man of his age could not afford such a spike in blood pressure. He rose in his seat and stomped out of his office to the adjoining room.

"Alfred, get that woman some black coffee and sober her up. I can't talk to that vile woman anymore like this. Offering a child, her child, how disgusting." He coughed. Alfred did as he was told and returned to a glum Grandfather Tsubaki in the drawing room.

"Sir, perhaps the offer is not in our best interest but the child's?" he prosed. while Grandfather gave him a sincere look of intrigue. "The young masters for one I would certainly not trust to her, maybe we can provide her with a better life and a girl could be of some use to us."

"Some use you say.." Grandfather guffawed, with his hand on his chin.

"She is the heiress of the Miramadi dynasty, as uncouth as her mother obviously is. Servitude, as I have experienced it sir, is still a better life than none." Alfred coined.

"Yes, your right a family heir practically being offered to us and a girl at that. As a servant still she offers little. What is her age, Alfred?" he pondered.

"I believe the child is five at the moment sir, closest to your grandson Jiro's age." Alfred answered knowingly.

"Alfred you answer as if we are plotting matchmaking" Grandfather laughed.

"It would be the best use of her status, sir." Alfred rephrased.

"Then order a contract, and give this bastardly woman as little as possible. I don't want her involved except for the child's sake. Taking property of her now would be unseemly and affect her feelings on us. We will do it when the time is more appropriate. Have my son bring Jiro to the main house for the signing. I want to see the efforts of my headache tonight." Grandfather rose after stating this and headed to retire as the Miramaki widow was dismissed for the evening.

At the beginning of the following week, two children-- a boy and a girl-- were placed side by side in a very stuffy room, while the adults murmured about business over a desk. The contract had been decided as a purchase-based arranged marriage. The Tsubaki family had on their word seized the Miramaki portfolio but left the cash assets to the horrible widow named Bridget. They would even pay a small allowance towards schooling Ani and her upkeep, which selfishly pleased Bridget.

Grandpa Tsubaki, and Jiro's quiet father, Nagami, had both agreed to the arrangement and cosigned. Alfred the butler acted as witness on the Miramaki's behalf. After a celebratory picture of the signing the children began to fidget and grow bored. Bridget chose then to lean in and convey the news to the children, to quiet them.

"...and there you have it! You two babies are as good as married. You bought yourself a daughter, pretty cheap..." and then continued laughing to Jiro, "How do you like your future wife, little boy?".

Jiro upon hearing this gave Ani a long look. She was scrawny and plain and much too young for him, like a baby. He screamed "No, I won't!" at the top of his lungs and ran out from the room.

Nagami, ever the patient man walked out after his son, as he handed a polaroid to Bridget on the way out.

"I hope Jiro will forgive us" said Grandpa Tsubaki, as he watched the scene unfold.

"He will" answered Alfred under his breath, as the meeting adjourned.

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