The Mornings After

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When Ani awoke the next morning, she found herself in the same oversized four poster bed with paisley sheets. The cushions she was even more thankful for after having a good rest, despite last night's events. To her surprise, she was not alone in the room. In a large leather recliner in the corner of the room, was that man. He was asleep, with his outer coat pulled across him like a blanket. Somehow, it seemed to fit his actions to find him guarding over her after last night's rescue. Still though, his feet were propped up on a stool, she felt guilty suddenly for the wasted size of the bed.

It was nice however, to take him in again from such a short distance. His face was scuffed on one cheek from a lucky blow, but he still had that amazing look to him. He had such broad and masculine features, though his hair was long and wild to his shoulders. It was a shame she couldn't see his eyes again until he awoke. When he had held onto her, carrying her down the hotel stairs, she had enjoyed the warmth of his chest and the smell of tobacco along with wintergreen. It must be a habit he tries to hide, she thought. Still there was one more aroma, that was him, not his clothes. It too had been enjoyable, which is probably what let her rest so well when he laid her to bed last night.

Next to a chair, near the door, were some ladies' items. He had said this was an estate, so maybe staff had brought them during the night. She was obliged to rise and quickly take the basket of brushes, soaps and towels to the restroom. While she quickly cleaned herself off, she noticed slight bruising around her wrists, where the abductors had tried to bind her. The rest of her was mostly just in shock at what had occurred. It almost seemed like her mother's friends had arranged for this. She never trusted her mother, but even now a few tears seemed to well up from inside.

A sound from the other room broke through her blue thoughts and she hurriedly put on the traditional wrap dress that had been provided. When she emerged, she found that her old clothes had been hoisted away, possibly off to the laundry, and her hero was missing. She didn't see him that day again, with apologies conveyed by the butler, who served her meals in her room. He also gave her a small cart selection of books to keep her busy. By evening, she had been promised a meeting the next morning at breakfast when Jiro would be home again.

The second morning, once again, had clothes laid out for me near the door. Perhaps, I needed to speak to someone about getting my things from the apartment. It struck me again that I no longer really had a home for myself. Then again, hadn't I been planning to live in a campus dorm in under six months. Of course, it would be nice to have my own clothes.

I showered in the suite bathroom and used the blow dryer for my hair. I could feel the difference of the more expensive products on my hair and skin. A pang of guilt arose in me, for imposing on the Tsubaki family, but Alfred had said over and over a million ways that it had been a steadfast request from Jiro that I receive great care. After I was dry and dressed, in a flowery sundress, I headed down the hall to breakfast. Still a week or so passed like this.


Around lunchtime, since it was my day off, I took the liberty of walking from the main house out to the villa to see Ani again. Honestly, I didn't really have a reason except for the maid's disdain over my smoking American cigarettes. I had brought a novel with me, and intended to be an unobtrusive figure. So, I took up residence on the porch swing. Almost immediately the glass door to the dining room slid open, and without any resistance Ani began our conversation again from this morning.

"You know many peculiar things have happened to me recently, so I can't be entirely against this place." She said, gazing out at the surroundings.

I looked up from my book, to see her looking at the flower garden lit by sunlight. She of course had felt the need to talk out what had happened. Truthfully, some of the things I might already know, but my heart was anxious to hear her words after a year of watching her from afar.

She continued, "let's see, my graduation was finalized early and I was able to take placement exams for college..." she paused, thoughtfully for a moment. "...mother said I even received a marriage request, but I didn't even open the envelope...Sorry, I don't know why I am thinking about that now." She smiled, and rubbed her sun drunk eyes.

I set aside my book and got up leaning against the balcony, lighting a cigarette. Alfred had admitted to me at the exchange over breakfast, when it was confirmed that the sale had been defunded, and her mother had taken a plane to Australia. I was as happy to have that harpy away from Ani, as I was to have her close to me. I smiled crookedly, like a sheepdog proud of his good days work.

"Most people know that my father lost everything before his death. I guess I'm suspicious of such an offer, but I do wonder if...?" She let her voice trail off, as she watched the smoke rise from the lit end in my hand.

I couldn't be sure of what might have held her back. I knew that she was attached to becoming educated and that's something I too had shared the drive for. Yet, it seemed like some other image had entered her mind. I reached out my free hand and brushed her hair back behind her shoulders. She didn't pull away from the fond gesture, which made my heart yearn. I had wanted her to love me, yet somehow in this moment, I felt that I was losing on two fronts.

"I think I understand your priorities, so let me know whatever you need. For now, please consider this home, since it seems your mother has gone abroad according to my security. I'll be gone some of the day for work but you are free to roam the grounds and this entire villa is yours for the time being. Alfred has already notified the main house about it. You are an honored guest of the family" I trodden out.

I put out my cigarette and let her linger on the porch, taking my book with me as I left. I had not wanted to push her so fast before and I desperately wanted to keep the promise I made to myself. The next week, I settled for casual conversations and occasionally lingered outside her doorway, pondering the morality of stealing a goodnight kiss. Honestly though, I wouldn't have been able to stop myself.

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