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Jaeden and I were in the back of my mother's car. Jaeden's mom was in the passenger seat.

Our moms were just talking and talking and talking and talking. THEY WOULD NOT SHUT UP.

"Not to sound rude, because I really love you guys, but please please please be quiet! You woke Jae and I up super early and we wanted to sleep in the car. Please be a lil' more quiet." I whined.

"Oh, calm down, (y/n). You're okay." my mom scolded.

"(y/mom's/n), leave the kids be. They're tired and will have to wake up early at camp from now on. Let 'em sleep." Jaeden's mom defended me. Gosh, I love that woman. She's so sweet.

She turned around and gave a playful wink before grabbing her phone and playing another song.

I looked over at Jaeden who was already asleep, head leaned onto his seatbelt. His mouth was slightly agape and small snores we're coming from his mouth. Even though the music drowned out his snores, I could still hear each and every one. He's so adorable.

Eventually we stopped to get breakfast before our moms dropped us off at camp. We, of course, went to Dairy Queen. I was really craving sausage biscuits.

We sat in a booth, eating happily. I took a sip from my orange juice, which made the straw make a funny noise. Jaeden laughed, saying "You're so cute, (y/n)."

I felt my cheeks heat up as I turned my head the opposite way. I really don't want him to notice i'm blushing. I hate when he points it out. I feel kinda embarrassed, I guess.

Jaeden looked down and saw I had my hand on the booth seat, between us. He put his hand on top of mine and gave me a small smile. I smiled back then took another sip from my orange juice.

After everyone was done, we got back into the car. Eventually we made it to the camp.

We went through the gates to see a fairly nice looking camp. There were cabins and picnic tables. There were games and sports booths set up almost everywhere there wasn't a fire pit.

My mom parked the car, we unbuckled, then got out. Jaeden and I got our bags out of the trunk and waved our moms goodbye as they drove off. As soon as we turned around, an adult dressed in a polo and khaki shorts smiled wide at us.

"Hi, kids! Ready to get settled in?" his smile wasn't creepy, but it wasn't comforting either.

"Uh, sure..." I squeaked out.

"Okay! First stop: The boys' dorms! Second stop: The girls' dorms!" he did a cheer-like thing, which made me feel super awkward. He must get payed a lot because no one is acting like that while on minimum wage.

We followed behind him to a place with multiple dorms. Each dorm had a name: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow.

"Okay, Mr...." the man looked down at his clipboard and flipped through some pages. "Jaeden!", he smiled at Jaeden, "you're going to be in the Blue dorm!"

Jaeden looked at the guy and pursed his lips. Jaeden, obviously, felt awkward around him. Who doesn't?

"See ya, (y/n)." he gave me a small grin then walked into the Blue dorm with his bags. I waved goodbye then looked at the camp employee.

"Off to the girls' dorms, right?" I asked.

Before he answered, he flipped through his clipboard papers again.

"Correct, Miss (y/n)! Let's go!"

I followed him to the girls' dorms, upon where there was four dorms- just like the boys' dorms. The names were: Pink, Lime, Purple, Orange. Why were the girls' dorms named with more complex colors? Why were the boys' dorms named with just primary colors? In all honesty, I was too afraid to ask. He's kinda intimidating in the "he probably owns a white van" way.

"You will be in the Lime dorm." he nodded towards the dorm.

"Okay... Bye." I fast walked to the Lime dorm with my bags.

As soon as I made it through the door, I saw five other girls.

"Uh.." I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. I just embarrassed myself by literally throwing myself through the door with my bags.

"Hey..." I gave an awkward wave.

One minute in of camp and i've already made a fool of myself.


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