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After the tent dilemma, it was time for lunch. We sat outside under this giant roof-with-stilts looking place. There was various picnic tables spread about underneath it.

I sat down at a table that was farther away from the others. As Mr. Peters and Ms. Roberts passed out brown paper bags, Sophia plopped herself down beside me.

"What's up, buttercup?" she grinned.

I shrugged, tired and in need of about several naps.

"Sleepy, huh?"

I nodded, "Very."

She sighed, slouching forward then set her arms on the table. She laid her head atop her arms and looked at me.

"We've got like two more activities today." she frowned.

I groaned and set my forehead on the table. "I refuse to participate."

"Same." she mumbled.

Not even a few seconds later, two bags were dropped on the table.

"Eat up, kiddos." Ms. Roberts sighed, walking away. I sat up and watched her walk off.

"Why is she such a sourpuss?" I asked.

Sophia sat up as well, then shrugged. "I dunno, man. Maybe because Mr. Peters ignores her."

I began to laugh, "What?"

Sophia pulled a sandwich from her bag and took a bite, "Well, she obviously has a thing for him." she mumbled.

I pulled a juice box from my bag, "I haven't noticed."

"That's because you have your tongue down Jaeden's throat 24/7."

"That's a lie!" I looked down at my lap and mumbled, "My tongue can't even reach that far..." I crossed my arms.

"God, I can't tell if you're five or fifteen." she laughed.

"Ha ha ha, at least I have a boyfriend."

"Uh-huh. Did he DTR?"


"Ugh," she shook her head at me, "define the relationship!"


"Um? That's all you have to say?"

"I gotta go!" I got up and ran towards the bathrooms.

As I reached the bathrooms I looked back to see if Sophia followed me.

She didn't. Obviously. She's a good friend, but she's kinda lazy.

I turned back around and walked into the girls' bathroom.

I walked over to the sinks, put my hands down on them, leaned forward, and looked into the mirror.

"Define the relationship?" I sighed.

I fixed my ponytail a bit and began to walk out the door.

That is, until I heard the grossest noise come from the big stall.

"Yes.." someone moaned.

Jesus fuckin' Christ.

"You like that?" a guy chuckled.


Since I didn't know what to do and I'm the most awkward person, I yelled, "I AM A CHILD IN HERE!"

Thud. Something, or should I say someone, fell to the floor.

"Shit!" the girl muttered.

Next thing I knew, Mr. Peters was walking out of the stall.

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