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{ Before we begin the chapter,
     1) I am now making the chapters less serious and more stupid, because I want the characters conversations to go like the ones I have with my friends. aka we're a bunch of dumbasses who have super weird and cringy convos. YEET.
     2) your BEST FRIEND is joining this lovely story, starting in this chapter! :D Yay! So when you see " (F/N) " it means "friend's name", okay? Cool! you'll see how she connects to the story c; ALSO, yes, the best friend is a SHE so if your best friend is a boy, think of someone (it can be a celebrity even) that's a girl. THIS IS CRUCIAL TO THE STORY. you'll see why soon. Thanks! xxJC }

"HELL YEAH!" Wyatt exclaimed.

"No, not 'hell yeah', this is terrifying!" I whined, crossing my arms.

"Canoeing won't kill you." he rolled his eyes.

"YES IT CAN, DIPSHIT!" Sophia lightly punched his arm. He winced, rubbing the area she hit.

"You can sit out, y'know. We won't make fun of you for being a bit scared, (Y/N)." Jaeden spoke softly, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah we will." Wyatt and Sophia spoke in unison.

"Fuckin' scrubs. Fuck you. And you." I pointed to Sophia then Wyatt.

"But not you." I poked Jaeden, making him smile.

"Ow. I'm so hurt." Sophia laughed.

"I'm not a scrub. I don't hang out the passenger side of my best friend's ride, okay?" Wyatt pouted. Jaeden, Sophia, an I exchanged weird looks.

"I'm not trying to holla at you either." Wyatt added.

Sophia placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hunny, are you okay?" She asked, actually sounding concerned.

"I was.. trying to be funny... Make a joke? From a TLC song.." he furrowed his brows, looking at us like we were dumb.

"We got the reference, flop-doodle. We just thought you were actually hurt by being called a scrub." Jaeden spoke.

"Oh nah, i'm chill." he shrugged, laughing.

"Dumbass." Sophia rolled her eyes.

"NOW SEE-" Wyatt pointed his hand at Sophia. Sophia smacked his hand down.


"I wasn't touching you."

"You were gonna."

"I'm leaving before the last bit of my will to live dissipates." Wyatt walked toward where the rest of the campers were waiting.

Jaeden sighed, "I'm gonna go see how they're pairing us up." he walked off, not too far behind Wyatt.

"So, (Y/N).." Sophia grinned, "how are ya?"

"You're being weirdly calm and sweet. It's scaring me."

"Yeah, I need a favor."

"I figured as much."

"There's a girl I like and I need your help telling her how I feel about her."


"You know her really well.."

"Go on."

"You two are really close."

"I'm flattered, but i'm dating Jaeden. You know that."

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