twenty questions | klance

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I had been training for the past forty-five minutes, and my exhaustion was beginning to show. I defeated the last bot, and fell to my knees. I fall on my back and just lay there, too tired to get up.

The door swooshed open, and hey there he was. My knight and shining armor, Lance Mcclain. "Keith!" He yelled as he ran forward. "Are you okay?" He asked and crouched next to me. "Training. Tired." I mumbled out, and he shook his head at me.

"Really, Keith, you need to stop training so much! It's already taking a toll on your body. But good thing I'm here!" He threw me a dazzling smile. Suddenly, he placed a hand on my back, and the other under my knees. Then, he freaking picked me up! bRiDaL sTyLe!!

"Wha! Lance! Wh-what are you doing?!" I shrieked. "What does it look like I'm doing, mullet?" he asked me like I was the most doltish person in the galaxy. "Uh- picking me up?" I replied. "Okay then. If you know what I am doing then why did you ask?" He smirked.

We walked- well, Lance walked- down the halls and into my room, closing the door behind us. He placed me atop my bed, and sat at the foot of it. We sat there for a minute in (verry) awkward silence before Lance spoke up, "wanna play a game?" I shifted so I was facing him before asking, "what kind..?" "20 QUESTIONS!" He yelled excitedly.

I raised my eyebrow, "really? 20 questions?" "Well, why not?" I sighed and reluctantly agreed.

L: "any siblings?"
K: "no.. I'm the only one." Lance patted me on the shoulder and gave me a sympathetic smile.

K: "what about you? siblings?"
L: "yes! I have two brothers; Miguel and Mateo who are both younger. And then I have three sisters; Sophia who is older, Cleo who is older, and then my personal favorite sibling in the whole wide universe, LANA!" He laughed before getting a distant look in his eyes and looking down sadly. I placed my hand on him and smiled. "You'll see them again someday.." he nodded and sniffled. I leant my head on his shoulder.

L: "uh. favorite sport?"
K"ummm- wait. is fighting a sport?" Lance laughed so hard he was wiping tears away, "not quite, but close enough."

K: "why is Lana your favorite out of everyone?" I asked, but regretted when the other got that distant look in his eyes again.
L: "well,, she's my twin. she's always been my most favoritest person.." "wait. YOU HAVE A TWIN? THAT'S SO COOL!" I cheered. He smiled and I noticed his eyes water. "Yeah. It's so cool. To be thousands of lightyears away from the person who you're closest with in the world." A tear slipped out, and I jumped into action.

"Wait, no! Lance that's not what I meant!" He looked up at me guilty. "I know, mullet. Sorry to get snappy, but I miss her, y'know?" No. I didn't know, but I wasn't going to go out and say that. His shoulders shook with bottled up feelings, so I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him close.

He cried a bit before wiping his tears and hugging me tighter, "y'know, Keith? You aren't half bad.." I felt my cheeks heat up, and I replied, "you never were that bad.." I told him.

L: "what are your parents like?"
K: "I don't have any.. I never knew my mother, and my father left me when I was young. I've been alone all my life. I went through several foster cares and homes because no one wanted me, and ended up kicking me out." Great. Now it was my turn to cry.

Lance gave me a hug, and pulled me down so that we were,, snuggling? "...........sorry." Lance mumbled. "Why are you sorry, Lance? It already happened, and there was nothing you could do." "Do you feel like you lost in the 'poor boy..' challenge?" Lance asked suddenly. "Wait- what? No!" I defended myself.

He chuckled, "I was just joking, Keith. I mean- who doesn't have a story? But if you act all hard because of that," he poked me in the side, "you are the only one that suffers." I laughed, "since when were you a philosopher, Lance?" Lance smiled, "since when wasn't I?" We laughed together before settling in again. 

I began to really think about it, and now that I did. I could have avoided many of my life tragedies if I had only talked to people, and didn't push them away. Lance's breathing evened out, so I knew he fell asleep."Thank you, Lance.." I whispered, placing a kiss on the sleeping boy's head.

I instantly fell asleep due to exhaustion. The next day was strange. I tried bonding with the other paladins for once. It wasn't strange as in bad, but different. I felt happy and wanted more, but at the same time I was fighting the urge to go back into my shell. It was scary since the thought of them leaving lingered in the back of my head.

Lance's wise words were the only thing that kept me going, and hey. Several years later, I still thought about that night. Because if it weren't for that 'bonding moment' I wouldn't think I would have the best husband ever. Lance Charles Sanchez-Mcclain.

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