Chapter 9

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I'm awakened from my sleep by a loud crash in the vicinity of my dorm room. I quickly sit up in my bed, extending my legs to the floor to walk to the light switch Even though it was morning, My curtains were closed, causing the room to be dark. I flicked the light switch on, revealing Louis leaning over my desk

"How did you get in here?!" I ask, crossing my arms "And why are you in here?" I am slightly upset that he has woken me up this early, but I am also extremely relieved that it is Louis, and not someone trying to brutally murder me...

"You forgot your brownie plate in my car the other day" He says with a sheepish grin, holding up the plate I had brought to the Christmas party days earlier

"So you decide to return it a week later at 5:00 in the morning?" I ask with a hint of aggravation in my voice.

"Yeah, um- Sorry about that" He says with an apologetic smile, his eyes now looking around my room "I have to go buy some food for the dorm room, so I wanted to drop this off to you first-so i wouldn't forget again" his eyes made their way back to mine

"You still didn't answer my question as to how you got in here"

" you left a spare key under your welcome mat outside the door. Which is not a smart thing to do. A creep could find it and break into your room"

"You say that like it didn't just happen" I smirk "You're lucky I didn't have my pepper spray in hand. You probably would have had some in your eyes by now" I smiled at him, making him feel at ease "But why are you going this early?" I ask, wondering why he would want to venture out this early in the morning

"I drank the last of Derek's orange juice" He said

"...So?" I ask, still confused

"You don't know how he is about the juice of the oranges" he said, pointing his finger at me "It will be the end of the world if he wakes up to find his orange juice gone. So I'm doing it now" he walked to the door

I laugh slightly at what he just said, thinking that he probably wasn't exaggerating by the way Monica talks about Derek.

"Well you have fun with that" I smile, about to shut the door

He turns around swiftly before I am able to do so "Sorry about waking you up so early" he chuckles

"You should be" I joked, sending him a smile as i close the door completely

Louis Tomlinson...what am I going to do with his boy? I can feel myself starting to develop feelings for him. No matter how much I want to stop myself from doing's like there's this force pulling me towards him...and there's something that makes me not want to fight it.


I slowly turn into the convenient store's parking lot, putting my car into park. I can hear the small bell ring above me as I open the door. I walk to the refrigerated section, grabbing a carton of orange juice. Before going to the cash register, I decide to get Chelsea something..sort of as an apology for barging into her room at such early hours of the morning. What do girls like...what does Chelsea like? She must like chocolate..all girls like chocolate, right? I scan the shelves, looking for a good chocolate bar. I contemplated on a couple of chocolate bars, deciding on a king size snickers and a packet of M&M's.

"Will that be all?" The cashier asks, scanning the items

I nod my head, pulling out a five dollar bill and handing it to her

" A Dollar' fifteen is your change" She informs me, placing the change into my hand. I quickly shove it into my pocket, grabbing the bag that held my items.

The Player's Game [Louis T. AU]Where stories live. Discover now