Chapter 23

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"So she said she loved you?" Derek asked, his eyes wide

"But then she took it back, so it doesn't count. She must've accidentally said it" I told myself, secretly wishing she actually meant to say it.

"What did you say after she told you that?"

"I just kind of played it off" I shrugged, leaning against the back of my desk chair in my messy dorm room

Derek stayed silent for a minute, seemingly studying me

"You wanted to say it back, didn't you?"

"Say what back?"

"That you love her too" he uttered

It was my turn to be silent. I let my gaze drop to the floor

"Dude, you love her?"

"I don't know" I sighed, standing to my full height, resting my hands on my sides "It's too early for that though, isn't it..This whole thing is just confusing for me."

Derek's face now painted a smirk

"I''m sure it's confusing for Chelsea too. And there isn't really a 'time' for you to be in love during a relationship. Sometimes it takes a long time, and sometimes it happens in a blink of an eye."

"Okay mom" I laughed "Thanks mate"


I walked into the cafeteria. The sound that filled the room was mixed with voices booming and trays clacking.

I spotted Chelsea in her normal spot that she eats at when she's alone. The table next to the window. A book draped over her legs, and her hand was busily writing on the notebook that was displayed on the table. 

"Hey, love" I said, placing my tray across from her

"Hi" she looked up with a smile, before going back to her work

"Where's your food?" I asked, noticing that she didn't have a tray, or any trace of food

She finished writing her sentence  before dropping her pen and looking up at me "I don't have time to eat" she said with a sigh "Besides, I don't have an appetite to eat right now. Too much work"

"Haven't we already had this conversation?" I said, keeping eye contact while tossing a fry into my mouth

"Yes, so we don't need to have it again" she stuck her tongue out before revealing a smile

"I think we may have too" i sipped my Pepsi "You need to eat"

"I'm really not hungry though" 

"At least eat a salad or something"

She scrunched her face

"You're eating a salad" I stood up, scooting my chair back.


I've been flooded with work lately. February seems to be the month professors like to flood the students with work. Not only that, but Valentines day is tomorrow. Louis hasn't said anything about it..These kinds of Holidays always nerve me out for some reason.

"Here" Louis sat back down at the table, placing a bowl of salad in front of me. He then slid multiple dressing packets to me "Your pick"

"Thanks" I smiled, obediently opening the packets and squirting it onto my salad

The Player's Game [Louis T. AU]Where stories live. Discover now