Chapter 26

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"You sure you're ok with this?" I set Bagel down onto Louis floor, letting his leash drag behind him as he explored the new room.

The college board had complaints of hearing 'strange noises' that sounded like a dog. When we were asked about it, Louis and I knew it was bagel they were hearing. They also have been checking the dorms on my floor to see if the noise is coming from any of our rooms, since that is where the complaints were coming from We decided to put the quickly growing dog in Louis room for now, until they forget about it.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be? It's our dog, remember?"

"Well yeah, but I guess I'm more concerned about Derek being ok with it" I took a breath "I don't have a roommate that could be bothered by the dog. You do"

"He'll be fine with it, I'm sure" Louis waved his hand, brushing off my concerns.

"If you say so." I sighed "I need

to get to class though. See you later" I quickly kissed his cheek before hurriedly exiting


I exited my last class of the day.

My skateboard wheels clicked against the pavement as I made my way to the nearby coffee shop on campus.

I set my skateboard on the side of the cafe building, entering the shop. The sweet array of different coffee smells hit me, making me stop to take a deep breath.

I get my usual iced coffee and headed back to my dorm.

"What's this?" Derek asks as I enter my room. His facial expression wasn't of curiosity

I look to the corner where I see bagel gnawing on a pair of Derek's shoes

"Oh-yeah" I slide my skateboard into my closet "that's mine and Chelsea's dog, Bagel"

"Since when do you to have a dog?" He asks

I shrugged, taking a sip of my coffee "we've had him for a while"

"Why is it in our room?" He asks, clearly aggravated about the situation

"Calm down. It's just temporary; till people stop searching Chelsea's room for the 'source of the noise'" I say, imitating the female deans voice "besides, he's not causing any harm"

"He chewing up my shoes!" Derek flamboyantly motioned his arms to the dog

"He's not even breaking the leather. Look" I said, lifting the shoes "no bite marks"

"I really don't want him in here-"

My phone began ringing "hold on. It's Chelsea"

"Hey Chels" I answer

"Hey. How's it going with bagel?" She asked. I could hear loud voices echoing in the background. She must be in one of the lecture halls

"it's going great. I just got back from-"

"LOUIS. He's peeing on my SHOES!" Derek yelled

"What's that?" Chelsea asked "what's going on?"

"Oh-nothing, nothing" I reassured her "everything's fine"

"Stop it Bagel! Derek yelled again "for gosh sakes, how much pee does this dog have in him?!"

"Louis... why is Derek yelling about bodily fluids" Chelsea asks calmly

"Oh-umm, he just got back from the gym and uh" I frantically scratched my head, trying to think of something. I can't let Chelsea think I'm not capable of taking care of our dog "while he was at the gym some guy peed on his shoes"

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