Where's Kagome

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Hours earlier

"Damn that demoness!" Yelled Inuyasha.

"Calm down Inuyasha." Said Miroku.

"CALM DOWN!! HELL NO! KIKYŌ ALMOST DIED!" Roared Inuyasha. He grabbed Miroku by his robe.

"INUYASHA! Put Miroku down now!" Said Sango with her hand on her Hiraikotsu.

"Humph. Fine."

Inuyasha dropped Miroku and walked away. Sango quickly raced over and helped Miroku up. Well until he touched her butt.


"You pervert!! I was trying to help you! Next time I'm letting Inuyasha beat you up." Hissed Sango.

"But Sango, dear it wasn't my fault. My hand has a mind of its own."

"I'm going to take Kagome way from that Mutt." Stated Koga to Ginta and Hakkaku.

"Okay Koga! Being Sister Kagome back safely." Grinned Ginta and Hakkaku.


"I will bring her back safely idiots." Growled Koga.

"Hai Koga." Said Ginta and Hakkaku suppressing their laughs.

Koga quickly speeds off to Kaede village. It was evening when he arrived near Inuyasha's forest. On his way to the hut, he ran into Sango and Miroku.

"Hello Sango and Miroku. Have you seen my woman." Smirked Koga.

Instantly he smelled fear take over their scent. He's eyes darkened, he quickly ran over to Inuyasha tree.


Inuyasha looked down from his branch and frowned.

"Why should I know where that Wench went." Hissed Inuyasha.

Taken back from Inuyasha comment, Koga stood dumbfounded for a moment.

"You Mutt. I trusted you to protect her. What happened!" Growled Koga.

"She left! I replaced her. Kikyō is so much better then her in every way." Smirked Inuyasha.

"The dead clay woman is nothing compared to my woman, Kagome. You don't deserve to have Kagome. I'm taking her to be my mate and leave you behind dog turd. "

"Whatever. She is no use to me anymore." Said Inuyasha. "I have Kikyō who can sense the jewel shards." Smirked Inuyasha.

"Your clay lover can't sense the sacred jewel shards, You idiot. Only Kagome can." Smirked Koga.

Meanwhile with Kikyō

I need more souls to heal. Though Kikyo.

While she was walking around the edge of Inuyasha forest she bumped into Naraku.

"Hello Kikyō" laughed Naraku.

"What do you want Naraku." Hissed Kikyo.

"Nothing. Just have a message for your group." Smirked Naraku.

"What is it." Frowned Kikyo.

"Tell Inuyasha and his companions that I have obtained something more powerful." Smiled Naraku.

"What are you planning Naraku."

"Let's just say my Dear Kikyo, I found someone more  powerful to help me achieve my goal. I will have all the sacred jewel shards soon and nobody can stop me." Smirked Naraku.

"We will see about that!" Said Kikyo drawing her bow.

"I wouldn't do that if I where you."

"Just watch me!"

Kikyo shoot an arrow at Naraku's chest only to have it reflected by his minions. The arrow shot back at her and grazed her right arm.

"I must take my leave now, Love. I will be back for you, Kikyo." Smirked Naraku.

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