Sesshomaru's proposal

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Kagome stood outside of Sesshomaru office nervously. Even though Saki was with her it did nothing to calm her nerves.

"Relax Dear. He will do you no harm." Smiled Saki warmly.

"H-hai." Stuttered Kagome.

Saki walked up to the door and knocked two times. There was a minute of silence till they heard Sesshomaru speak.

"You may come in." Spoke Sesshomaru.

"Hello my lord. I have brought Miss Kanon just like you asked." Said Saki.

"Thank you Saki. You may take your leave."

"Very well my lord. I bid you good day." Curtseyed Saki.

Once, Saki left the room Sesshomaru gestured for Kagome to sit down.

"Miss Kanon, this Sesshomaru has a proposal for you."

"Hm... What is your proposal Lord Sesshomaru."

"You will be Rin's new mother. You will take care of Rin everyday and for exchange this Sesshomaru will training you."

"I will agree to your proposal only if you remove the submissive mark you placed on me."

"Very well."

Sesshomaru stood up and walked over to Kagome. Out of fright Kagome jumped out of her chair.

"Calm down woman. I am just removing your mark."

"Oh okay" spoke Kagome frightened

Sesshomaru pulled her into his chest. He then leaned down and bit down on her neck. Sesshomaru began to suck on the mark till it faded away. Once done he moved s few feet away from her.

"Your mark is gone now Miss Kanon."

"Thank you Lord Sesshomaru." Said Kagome weary.

"Hn. You can head to your room now Kanon."

"Hai Lord Sess—


Kagome fainted into Sesshomaru's arm. Sesshomaru hoisted Kagome body up with his right arm. He carried her sleeping figure to her room. He gently laid her in bed and left.

Next morning

"Miss Kanon! Wake up! Wake up!" Bounced Rin on Kagome's bed.

"Hmm.. What is it Rin. Yawned Kagome.

"Sesshomaru said that it's okay for Rin to eat outside with you. However, Jaken has to watch us outside in the garden."

"Oh okay Rin. Let me just get dressed and I'll meet you in your room."

"Hai!" Rin dashed out

What happen last night with Lord Sesshomaru? Thought Kagome.

Kagome put on a blue kimono decorated with light and dark green koi.  After Kagome fixed her hair and groomed her tail. She head towards Rin's room. Once there both of them walked toward the garden. They were greeted by Saki carrying a large tray of food.

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