Goose chase

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Koga ran into the clearing and saw Kagome on the ground unconscious. She was covered in blood and her school outfit was shredded. He's eyes turned a dark scarlet and his demon side began to take control.


"Sadly my master isn't here Wolf Prince." Smirked Rukh.

"Who are you demon." Growled Koga.

"I am Rukh, loyal servant to Lord Naraku. I am here to take Lady Kagome with me."

"Like hell that's gonna happen! You will have to go through me first." Smirked Koga.

"Very well. Be prepared to die wolf."

Rukh began to whisper a spell and his body began to disappear. All that was left were swarms of black butterflies.

"Let's see who's quicker." Echoed Rukh's voice around the clearing.

"Bring it on Reek!" Taunted Koga.

"Dark Void Slash!"

Koga summed his Goraishi. He used it to slash the dark butterflies way before they  could attack him.

"Is that the best you got Reek!" Taunted Koga.

"You shouldn't to cocky wolf." Smirked Rukh

"Hn. Your just trying to act tough, but I know you just one of Naraku weak
henchman." Said Koga roughly.

While Rukh was distracting Koga. He summoned the shredded butterflies to attack Kagome in one big swarm. Rukh managed to control them without Koga noticing.

"You're so easy to distract wolf." Laughed Rukh

"What! I am not easily distracted Reek."

"Oh but you are. While we were bickering I summoned my fallen butterflies to attack you lover." Laughed Rukh hysterically.

"Koga! Help!" Cried Kagome.

"I'll save you Kagome!"

"Not so fast wolf. I am not done with you yet." Smirked Rukh.

"But I'm done with you" retorted Koga

"You will never get to in time. Dark Nebula!" Shouted Rukh.

Koga raced over to Kagome's beaten form. He was just a few seconds behind Rukh's attack. In order for him to save Kagome from the blow he throw himself the last few feet. The attack collided into his back, sending him brutally into a tree.

"You scum!" Hissed Koga in anger and in pain.

"Hn. I am surprise you risked your life for this human concubine." Said Rukh in disgust.

"Shut up! I will get you for this. Mark my word" Yelled Koga as he picked up Kagome and turned into a whirlwind.

Kagome and Koga disappears from the clearing in a matter of seconds.

"Hm..It seems He wants a rematch. Once, I see him
again I will paint the grass red with his blood and leave him to die a painful and slow death." Smirked Rukh.

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