Shippo's adventure

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I know Kagome is taken hostage by Sesshomaru. I just know it! I know his scent. I'll just follow Koga to the west lands and then head towards Sesshomaru castle.


I am really sleepy. I wonder how much longer Koga is going to keep running.

Shippo was using his hidden cloud ability to follow Koga undetected.  It wasn't till midnight when Koga decided to rest. Shippo lied down behind a bush near Koga to avoid being attacking or eaten by other demon. Shippo feel into a light sleep.

My woman... no my Kagome. I will be with you soon my love. Though Koga before he fell into a deep slumber.

Once both demons where a sleep, Kirara emerged from the eerie forest. Kirara tiptoe towards Shippo. Once she made it to him, she lied down next to his sleeping form. Unknowingly he snuggled up to her. Content that Shippo was alright she let herself fall asleep.

Early morning (7:3o)
Kirara nudged Shippo a wake. It took a few minutes till he started to stir. Kirara took it as her cue to leave. She need to be back at the hut before Sango woke up.


"It's morning already? Sheesh I hardly got enough sleep." Muttered Shippo.


Shippo immediately went quiet. He peaked through the bush and saw Koga waking up.

"Kagome! I'm coming for you!" Yelled Koga as he dashed of towards the West.

Three and half hours later (9:30)

"Boy, I'm exhausted!" Panted Shippo as he made it to Sesshomaru land in the late morning.

Shippo saw Koga take off in the opposite direction. Now he was all alone.

I need to hurry. Sesshomaru could have hurt my adoptive mother.

Meanwhile 10:30

"Rin wants to pick flowers and make flower crowns with Jaken!"

"Rin! How many times must I tell you to leave me out of this!  You filthy human!" Shouted Jaken.


Jaken lied unconscious on the ground. Kagome stood above him smiling sweetly to Rin with a empty tray in her hand. The tray had dent in the middle, Rin giggle at Jaken. Earlier, Rin asked Sesshomaru if Kagome could eat with her outside. He said yes under one condition that Jaken had to watch them.

"Rin was Jaken being mean to you?" Asked Kagome with her foot on Jaken back.

"Yes. He won't pick flowers and make crowns with Rin" Teared up Rin.

"Jaken is that true." Fumed Kagome. She began to put pressure on his back.

"Ah! Get off me you wench!"

"What did you say!" Growled Kagome. She bared her fangs at him.

"Lord Sesshōmaru! Help me! This wench is trying to kill your loyal servant!" Shouted Jaken.

Kagome's beast began to took over.

How dare you call me a wench. You shall pay for—

"Miss Kanon release him at once." Appeared Sesshomaru.

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