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Hermione sat in the window, watching the rain trickle down the glass. Dark clouds hung overhead, the streets cast in dim, grey light.

'I hate this time between Christmas and New Year,' she sighed, her breath fogging up the glass. 'It's such a nothing-time, with nowhere to go.'

Draco looked up from the book he was reading, frowning at the melancholy on Hermione's face. Putting his book aside, he went into his room and pulled a different one from his shelf.

A leaving gift from his mother, the "Wizarding Guide to the USA" was the best tourist-guide money could buy. Flicking through the pages, he glanced at miniature maps of various cities around the country. Tiny clouds pouring with rain floated above the replica New York City.

He stopped on a page showing thick clouds and flurries of snowflakes, falling gently onto a snow-covered mountain. Tapping his wand onto the side of the mountain, the book zoomed in, showing him the details of the landscape. Satisfied, Draco closed the book and grabbed his winter gear.

'Get your coat, we're going out,' Draco announced, throwing her gloves and scarf at Hermione.

'Out? Where? It's miserable out there.'

'C'mon, you'll see,' he said, holding her coat out to her.

Hermione sighed and shrugged into the thick coat, her Gryffindor scarf wrapped snugly around her face and neck. They stepped onto the landing outside their apartment.

'D'ya trust me?' Draco grinned, offering his arm to Hermione.

'Why?' Her eyes narrowed as she placed a hand on his elbow.

Tucking Hermione's hand firmly against him, Draco turned and apparated them away.


They emerged in a snowy field, next to a frozen lake. Snowflakes drifted down from low, heavy clouds. Their breath furled in silver tendrils.

Draco cast a spell across the ice, testing its thickness. Convinced it was safe, he tapped his wand to his battered shoes, transfiguring them into ice skates. Wobbling slightly on the uneven ice, he skated in a figure of eight. Hermione grinned, watching the grace and ease of his movements.

'C'mon Granger, I didn't bring you out here just to watch!'

Laughing, Hermione transfigured her boots into skates and shakily moved onto the ice. Draco skidded to a halt next to her, his face flushed in the cold air.

'Need a hand?'

'It's...been a while...'

Slipping his arm around her waist, Draco gently guided her around the edge of the lake. Hermione slowly found her balance, her legs getting used to the movement.

'There you go, you're getting it!'

Hermione's skate hit a rut in the ice, and she stumbled forwards. Draco tried to catch her, and they both toppled over in a heap.

'You ok?'

Hermione rolled over, peals of laughter bubbling from her lips.

'Clumsy oaf,' Draco grinned, slipping and sliding to his feet. With a groan, he dragged the giggling Hermione up. 'Next time, I'm just going to let you fall, then you can't take me with you!'

Draco skated backwards as Hermione clutched his hands to stay balanced.

'Stop looking at your feet, you're throwing yourself off balance,' he said.

Obediently, Hermione looked up. Draco's gaze caught hers. For a moment, neither of them spoke, their eyes locked.

'Oh! Draco, look out!'

His skate sank into the soft snow at the edge of the lake and he fell backwards. Her fingers still intertwined with his, Hermione staggered and fell on top of him.


'Sorry!' Hermione's hands sank into the snow as she tried to push herself up, and fell onto him again.

Draco breathed deeply, Hermione's curls tickling his face. The smell of roses and parchment overwhelmed him. His arm had slipped around her waist before he realised what he was doing. He grabbed her coat and pulled her off, depositing her on the bank next to him.

'Alright, break time's over. Back on your feet!'

Draco stood up, dragging Hermione with him. He dropped her hand quickly, as soon as she was on her feet.

'Race you back to the start?' Draco shot towards the shore, his legs moving powerfully with smooth movements.

'Hey! No fair!' Hermione staggered after him, tripping and wobbling. 'That's cheating!'

Draco turned in a circle, sticking his tongue out at her and waving mockingly.

His skate hit the rut Hermione had fallen over. Arms windmilling, Draco fell backwards and hit his head with a loud thud.

'Oh, shit!'

Hermione dropped to her knees painfully next to him. The cold seeped through her jeans. Blood trickled from his head, soaking into the ice.

Her hand shaking, Hermione pulled out her wand and cast all the healing spells she could think of. The blood stopped and clotted, but his eyes stayed closed.

'Malfoy? Draco! Answer me!' She slapped his cheek lightly, and peeled his eyelid back. 'Bugger. Draco!'

Lifting him into a sitting position, his head lolling against her shoulder, Hermione apparated them away.


They landed in the courtyard outside the NYMU Medical Center. Brushing the snow from Draco's coat with shaky fingers, Hermione looked around the deserted square. Rain poured down their faces, washing the dried blood from Draco's hair.

'Help! Can someone help me?!'

Trying to stand up, Hermione fell as the blade skidded on the pavement. Cursing, she clutched her ankle and ended the transfiguration on their shoes.

'Shit, that hurt. Help! Somebody? I need help!'

Gingerly balancing on one foot, putting as little weight on the other as possible, Hermione tried to lift Draco. He was too heavy.


Hermione carefully levitated him off the floor. She limped towards the hospital doors, trying to keep his hands from dragging along the ground. As she tried to manoeuvre up the stairs, two witches in hospital robes rushed out to them with a stretcher.

'Ma'am, just put him down, real gentle. We got it from here.'

With practised movements, they deftly fastened Draco onto the stretcher and floated him into the hospital. Hermione followed them slowly, wincing with each step.

One of the witches was waiting inside the doorway. She ushered Hermione into an office and healed Hermione's sprained ankle as she explained what had happened.

By the time Hermione had finished filling out medical forms, Draco was awake.

'Hey,' he grunted, blinking groggily at Hermione. 'Whur'm I?'

'Back in New York, at the university hospital. You hit your head. Knocked yourself out. Pretty bad concussion too.'


'That's what you get for showing off,' Hermione teased, relief making her giddy.

'Karma's a bitch,' Draco grumbled.

'I had a great time until then, though. Thank you.'


'Doctors say you're good to go home once they've run some tests to make sure there's no damage done.'

'Stay with me?'

'Sure,' Hermione sank into a chair next to the bed, squeezing his arm comfortingly.

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