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My body started tingling, not from the anticipation or the sweetness of the moment, but a kind of uncomfortable tingling, like the blood just started rushing through your veins, my heartbeat frantic, every breath I take was shallower and shallower, my body started heating up, my eyes drooped, and worst of all, my head pounded furiously; unbelievable kind of pain wracked my brain. It’s like it was being ripped apart from the inside. Like a million hammers were pounding on my head. It was just so unbearably painful. I was scared to touch my head, scared that shards of skull would stick to my fingers if I even put a finger on it.

“Sophie?” I heard Gab say through the wreck that is my brain. I looked at him, his eyes, which were brightly twinkling a moment ago was now clouded with worry, fear and… guilt? I fell down on my knees at that moment.

“SOPHIE!” he exclaimed, catching me right before I made a face plant on the pavement. “Sophie, are you okay? Talk to me…” I heard him ask, but I couldn’t even say a simple yes or no. All that my muddled up brain could come up was an incoherent “UNNNHHH.”THE PAIN! THE PAIN! I can’t take it, anymore. KILL ME! KILL ME NOW! Let me die now, so that I won’t feel this unbearable pain anymore. LET ME DIE!!!

“AAAAHHHHHHHHH! GAB!” I shouted, as loud as I could. I felt his strong arms wrap carefully around me, holding me tightly, protectively. “Help me, Gab.” I mumbled stupidly, then I passed out in Gab’s arms.

Gabriel McAllister carried the unconscious Sophie in his arms through the unfamiliar streets of New York, navigating his way through the crowd. I can NOT believe this is happening! Gab thought, horrified at what’s happened to Sophie. Beads of sweat covered her forehead, her breathing shallower and shallower, her face was feverishly flushed, her eyes shut tight and her lips were set as if in unbearable pain. And it’s his entire fault.

“Stay with me, Sophie,” he whispered quietly to her. There was no mistaking the pleading in his voice. I knew this was going to happen if I come back! Stupid! I am so STUPID! He resented himself for being so selfish. But he had to protect her; there was nothing else more important. Now, that it’s started, there is nothing else he can do but wait… and hope they get through this. But, first things first, he needs to get her home to Sarakiel, aka Sarah van Dyke-Livingston, aka Sophie’s mom. At least he now knows: the ancient legend still lives on in Sophia Anne van Dyke.

People are staring, wondering what could be happening to the poor girl in the arms of that boy. Suddenly, it was as if time froze in place. And amidst all the frozen stares, there is one pair of eyes in that crowd that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand-out, raised goosebumps in his skin and made him stop in his tracks. He turned around, half-expecting Mindy to jump at him and kill them then and there. There she was, looking beautiful in her façade; but he, Gab, sworn guardian of Sophie, knows better than anyone else that it was only a disguise. Nobody but him, in this wretched, crowded street can see the menace behind that, he admit, pretty exterior. He poised ready, mapping out the best route to safety, prepared himself for the fight he knew he’s gonna get. But it didn’t happen. She came closer, closer than he wanted her to be, and whispered, “An easy kill is not going to be any fun at all, don’t you think, Gab?”

“Who the hell gave you the idea that I’m going to make this easy for you, Mindy? I will never let you harm her; not this time, not in this lifetime!” Gab replied scathingly, the hatred pouring out of him.

“Slow down, lover boy, who’s gonna stop me? You? Ha! It was, I admit, my ancestors’ incompetence that enabled you and that bitch to escape and slip through our clutches. She should’ve died long ago and it wouldn’t even reach this point. But with me, that’s not going to happen. Still, killing you now would be just too easy, I didn’t wait that long to have the fun sucked right out of it.” Her eyes wandered evilly towards Sophie and Gab wanted to scoop those eyes right out of its sockets. He resisted the urge knowing he’d put Sophie in much more danger if he does that. He needs to get her to Sarakiel.

Fall From GraceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon