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The trees are swaying side to side. The stars of the night has twinkled ever so bright. This will take my mind off what happened. I am now alone with just the wind blowing into my hair.

I still wonder how she is... We got seperated when we were both alone looking for a way to survive. Could she be able handle the wilderness by herself? She is just so delicate and fragile.

The crunching of sticks and leaves as I walk in a straight line avoiding each tree. By the corner of my eye, I swear I saw someone. I turned my head but nothing is there, just darkness. "Hello??" I spoke.

A stick snapped behind me "Is that you??" No answer... I turned my head again but yet again... nothing.. Fast footsteps were heard again. "Who's there?" I tried to sound tough.

Just a moment was silence... Then the sound of a rhino running towards made my brain say 'run for your life!!' I did what I was told. I ran and ran... Pushing away the thin branches of trees. Avoiding each root as I ran but too late for that.. I tripped. My foot stuck between a root and the dirt. "Ah!" The painnnnn.....

The black figure came closer and closer. "I've got you now Ch---!" The black figure caught a turquoise coloured arrow that came at him "What the-- oomph!" he flew to the tree then dropped to the ground with a groan. Now that he was gone, another black figure appeared infront of me. He dropped his leg from the kick in the face he did. He turned his head to me only reavealing his eyes.

His eyes glared at me as if saying 'Run!!' I would if I wanted to but my foot is still stuck. The man pushed himself up and looked at him with a growl "You can't defeat me that easily," The man stood up, rubbing his jaw.

Turquoise whose infront of me rolled his eyes and turned back to the man. The man screamed and ran towards him, trying to lay a punch but soon Turquoise dodged laying a punch in his stomach. The man groaned, jumping in the air trying to kick him but once again Turquoise dodged with a backflip.

It was like a fight of two ninjas. The only difference was, the guy had a turquoise ribbon on his shoulder. While the other has dark green ribbon on his left ankle.

Green hissed. I have noticed though that Turquoise couldn't talk. Not a sound came from him. Not even a tiny squeak.

Green tried to lay a punch again but he dodged. Turning over behind him and pushed him to the ground. Green fell and kicked Turquoise's feet making him stumble backwards. "Lookie, my first hit," his voice... it's soo familiar yet I can't point it out. "Goodbye," he chuckled.

He lifted his knee and dropped his foot into Turquoise making him flinch but no sound. Another hit but he just glared at him. The third hit was dodged by a roll. He stood up and kicked him behind the knee making him fall forwards "Ah!"

He grabbed his suit and dragged him to the nearest tree. He then took out a chain. Where did he get that from?  He wrapped the chain around him making him squirm. This guy is epic "You aint getting away with thi--" he put a tape on his mouth making him growl. He made a noise underneath the tape sounding like "Biro!!"

Turquoise who assumed to me as Biro turned to me with a dagger on his hand "Are you going to kill me??" He walked closer playing with the dagger. "Please don't, " I begged. "Don't kill me plea--" He covered my mouth with his black covered glove hand. He started slicing through the root. Oh.

Once that was done, he helped me up but dropped when he let go of my hand as I stood. Before I dropped he grabbed my hand put it around his shoulder. I haven't noticed this but he was shorter than me. His height was upto the top of my ear. Wow.. have I grown.

"Your name must be Biro," I said as we walked different directions in the forest. He shook his head. "Then what's your name?" He remained silent.  "Can you atleast talk?" He stopped walking and glared at me. His glare was like 'don't-make-another-sound-or-I'll seriously-kill-you' "Ok ok I won't talk," He nodded once and kept walking.

TurqouiseWhere stories live. Discover now