Beacon Academy

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When you first awoke, you looked around to see Gure still asleep and rolled over. You laughed to yourself at your friend's oddity. However, you could always feel something on your body. You peered down and saw that you had your arms wrapped around Blake, with herself having her hand on yours.

While you wanted to get off her, you just couldn't. Mainly due to the fact that she was sleeping on one of your arms and holding your hand with hers. That, and it felt good. Something about the position felt so right about this, never with Blake of all people.

Of course it didn't last long as Blake soon woke up. Obviously she saw the position and quickly shot up and glared at you.

(Y/N): I'll be honest, that was completely unintentional.

Blake: Sure.

(Y/N): I'm being serious!

Blake: Sure.

(Y/N): Don't need to be a jerk about it.

Blake: Says the guy who had his arm around me.

(Y/N): And you were clutching my hand.

Blake: Oh be quiet.

(Y/N): Good morning to you too.

You didn't realize it, but your conversation with Blake had accentually awoken Gure.

Gure: Ugh, what's going on?

(Y/N): Sorry, buddy. Pre-mission jitters. But come on, we've got to get ready for initiation.

Gure: Hoping to keep your new friend there.

Gure pointed off in a random direction. You looked and saw it was Blake. However, what you didn't notice last night was Blake wearing a yukata which made you blush intensely. You loved those types out outfits and seeing them on a beautiful girl in real life...wait, beautiful?

I mean, she was, but not like you wanted her that way type. While you had to admire her, you just shook it off and preceded on with your day. Your initiation had gone smoothly and you met your parent, Silver Adwin. While he was a bit of a jerk at first, you warmed upped to one another.

Gure met with his partner, Burly Wood, a big, muscle bound warrior who kinda intimidated you. However, like Silver, you warmed up to him too. During the initiation you met up with Blake and Yang. During a massive fight with a Nevermore, you saw Blake in her glory. She was amazing. Her fighting, her abilities, you could constantly see her bow twitch and she gave this cute little cat smile after you had cut the leg off of the Nevermore.

Of course you and her were placed on different teams, but that didn't stop you from staying friends. Your teams would regularly hang out with one another.

One day on Saturday, you were in Beacon's garden, sketching out the scenery around you.

Blake: (Y/N)? (Y/N) is that you?

You peered up the tree to see Blake sitting on a tree branch, reading of course.

(Y/N): Oh, ah, hey.

Blake gestured for you to come on up and you did so. Soon, you both were in the same tree.

(Y/N): What have you been up to?

Blake: You know, reading. How's the sketching?

(Y/N): Here.

You open up your sketch book to some recent entries: A sketch of Weiss, Jaune and Pyrrha training, Port teaching his class, Burly asleep in class.

Blake: Nice. I never actually mentioned how good of an artist you are.

(Y/N): Oh, thanks. How's the book? Still trying to control the host with two souls?

Blake: The souls battled for the host. And I finished that a bit ago. This is a new book.

(Y/N): What's this one about?

Blake: ...You wouldn't like it.

(Y/N): Oh, come on, Blake. Just give me a summary.

Blake: Uh, fine. It's about a young witch going from town to town and is running a struggling delivery service.

(Y/N): Uh. Sounds interesting.

Blake: Yeah, it's based off a animated movie. It really is good.

(Y/N): Well, then I'll guess I'll have to read it someday.

Blake: Yeah.

(Y/N): So, how's the team?

Blake: Oh, fine. I guess.

(Y/N): Come on, Blake. I'm your friend, right? You can tell me.

Blake takes a moment to look around the area. She sighs to herself and looks back at you.

Blake: (Sighs) Ok. Things have been hectic. It seems really hard for Weiss to get involved with the team and or not be a bit controlling. Yang is a bit wild from time to time but she isn't that bad. And Ruby, while she is effective, she tries to hard.

(Y/N): Teams. It's like family. Yeah sure, they're annoying but you got to live with them. (Mumbling) Or you're end up like me.

Blake: What was that last part?

(Y/N): Uh, oh, nothing. ...I'll get out of your hair.

Blake: What? No. You can stay. quiet.

(Y/N): Done.

And that began a small tradition between you and Blake. You both would met up in the garden and either sit by the tree or sit up in the branches. You would draw while Blake would read. Sometimes you would homework up there or just talk and hang out.

Of course because of this, both Yang, Gure and even Burly would make jokes that you two were dating. You would always brush them off, though, you could never deny the attraction you held for Blake. She was so calm, collected and just all around impressive. She was smart, sarcastic, you loved that about her.

Did...did you love Blake? No. That's ludicrous. She's just a friend. A runway. Like yourself. You soon began to question these feelings more, so much that you even stopped hanging out with Blake for a bit to admire her from afar.

One day, while you were doing this, the rest of your team came up to see you looking at Blake again.

Silver: You're doing it again.

(Y/N): Doing what?

Gure: Staring at Blake.

(Y/N): Am not.

Burly: Come now, my friend. You can no longer deny this.

(Y/N): I-I mean-

Gure: Just ask her, bro. What's the worse that could happen.

Silver: Utter rejection. Broken friendship. Complete and total loss of-

Gure: OK, Silver. We get it! Look, (Y/N), you'll be just fine.

(Y/N): Alright. Tonight. I'll ask her tonight.

Oh, how wrong you were.  

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: The RunawaysWhere stories live. Discover now