Dock Robbery

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You and Blake had been in Vale for a several hours, just walking around and talking. She wouldn't say much which was fine by you as you two enjoyed the silence. However, as Sunday rolled around, you had caught Blake talking in her sleep twice and both days while out, Blake was curled up to your chest and using it like a pillow.

It's not like you didn't mind it of course, though, you really wanted to go back to Beacon with her. Whenever you would bring it up, Blake would scowl at you and keep walking. Upon putting two and two together, you decided it best to ask Blake why she wouldn't return and what to do to help.

(Y/N): Blake. Is the reason you're not going back is because of the White Fang?

Blake: ....

(Y/N): Blake?

Blake: Maybe.

(Y/N): Look if it is, then we need to take care of it.

Blake: And HOW are we going to do that?

(Y/N): I don't know. Maybe we could stop a robbery or something?

Blake: That...could work.

(Y/N): Wait, really?

Blake: Maybe we could see if there is a possible dust robbery we could prevent to see if it really is the White Fang?

(Y/N): Well, there are usual dust shipments with Schnee Company Freighters. Maybe the Fang could hit that?

Blake: If they are, we need to move now!

Blake takes off running towards the docks. While hesitant, you smile seeing her back to the glory you knew Blake for and gave chase.

Hours past since you were on the roof of the docks main warehouse. Blake had gone on a patrol around the docks to check up on the freighter. You stayed by the roof to get a good view of the dust crates. While you were watching the docks, you heard your scroll ring again. You looked to see Gure had called you yet again.

(Y/N): Gure? What is it?

Gure: (Y/N), buddy! Where are you?!

(Y/N): Listen, uh, look. Blake and I are at Vale Docks. Get the team! Get RWBY and come here! We're tracking down White Fang! Get here quick!

Gure: Gotcha buddy! Good luck!

You hung up as Blake landed next to you. She joined you in lying down.

Blake: What's up?

(Y/N): Just teammates calling in. So what do we got?

Blake: Nothing much. Obviously the crates were unloaded and now they're just sitting there.

(Y/N): Huh. You want me to get you some food?

Blake: No.

(Y/N): You sure?

Blake: I'm fine.

The winds blows all around them, and they look up to see a Bullhead's searchlights flashing around for a landing spot, descending in the middle of the cargo containers and extending a ramp for a black hooded individual with a metallic fanged mask to come out of.

Blake: Oh no...

(Y/N): Is that them?

Blake: (staring at the bloody wolf on the back of the man's outfit) Yes... It's them.

White Fang Soldier: (to the other White Fang members coming from the aircraft, motioning with his rifle) All right, grab the tow cables!

(Y/N): You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: The RunawaysWhere stories live. Discover now