A Visit From Friends

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Blake was held hostage by White Fang members led by Roman Torchwick. Next to her was the love of her life's father. Yeah...Blake did care a lot about (Y/N). She doubted that he cared that much about her but the two became close. She knew he would pick his father over her. She wanted him to. Blake assumed she was an animal in his eyes upon being apart of the White Fang.

She was surprised to see how (Y/N) was having a hard time deciding. Even more so how Torchwick stated that her and (Y/N) were dating. Even more confusion came when it looked like (Y/N) was fine with it. Blake knew he had a plan...though seeing how she didn't really know it, and that she was currently trapped did not make things any easier for her.

(Y/N): I chose-

Almost out of no where, Burly and Yang came onto the scene and hit the engines of the bullhead.

(Y/N): Dad, Blake! Get out! NOW!!!

Your father and Blake jumped out of the bullhead as it came crashing down. As they two landed, your father took off after Roman who had jumped from the opposite side. You gaze up to see Gure, Silver, Ruby and Weiss also going after additional goons.

You looked back to where Blake was. She had just landed on the ground from the jump. Once you two looked at one another in the eyes, you gave a smile and was about to run to her. However, you stop at seeing what was about to happen.

(Y/N): Blake! Get out of there!

Blake turned around to see the wreckage of the bullhead came down. Blake jumped but the wreckage came down and Blake was under it.

(Y/N): BLAKE!!!

You ran over to the wreckage and began to pick up rubble and move it. Gure and Yang ran over to you and look at you struggling. You were on your knees, picking up metal sheets, pipes and wires. Yang also runs in to remove wreckage. After removing a sheet of metal, you see Blake lying on the ground, unconscious. You picked Blake up and cradled her in your arms.

You moved your head down to her heart and took her wrist in hand. You could feel her heart beating and you could feel her pulse. You let out a heavy sigh of relief.

(Y/N): We need to get her to a hospital.

Yang: Then let's move it!


A couple of days later, you worked up the courage of seeing Blake. You were scared that she would hate you for screwing up the potential mission and getting her hurt. The nurse at the front gave you directions to Blake's room and when you turned a corner, you saw Ruby, Weiss, and Yang sitting in front of the door.

Yang: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hey guys. Is she awake?

Weiss: She is.

(Y/N): May I?

Ruby: Just...don't hurt her.

(Y/N): Wouldn't plan on it.

You entered the room and closed the door behind her. The room had the standard Beacon infirmary layout and in the lone bed looking out the window to the gardens sat Blake, a cast around her right leg which was broken when the crate came crashing down.

(Y/N): Blake?

Blake: Hey (Y/N).

You sat down next to Blake.

(Y/N): You doing okay?

Blake: I guess. You?

(Y/N): I'm fine.

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: The RunawaysWhere stories live. Discover now