At the Dentist

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Silently Zelena approached to the two chocolate biscuit trays that her sister had recently baked.

Although Regina had asked her, or rather had ordered her not to touch either one before lunch, Zelena had not resisted and she was slinking in the kitchen while Regina was in the bathroom for a shower.

"Only one biscuit, only one." She spoke to the little girl Robyn who was sitting on her high chair. "She won't notice the missing two or three biscuits on the tray, am I right sweetie?" She mumbled, trying to convince more herself than her child. But the truth was, she wasn't so sure.

Regina was a perfectionist, after all.

The little girl mumbled something, happily clapping her tiny hands.

Zelena smiled at her, taking her innocent enthusiasm as a free pass to eat few cookies.

"Not a word to your aunt, do you understand?" She joked before grabbing a cookie.

It has a delicious scent, she thought.

Zelena closed her eyes, savouring it. "Oh my God.. this is so good." She murmured with a full mouth.

Robyn looked at her curiously. She immediately lifted up her hands, trying to draw attention from her mom.

Zelena chuckled, realizing what her daughter wanted.

She broke a biscuit into smaller pieces before giving some of it to her baby.

Robyn giggled happily again. She seemed to like it a lot. In fact, still with a full mouth, she lifted her hands again, trying to tell her mother she wanted more.

"Easy munchkin." She chuckled. "Finish what you have in your mouth first. "She said, before grabbing another cookie for herself. But when she started to bite it, she felt a strange pain on the right side of her mouth. She gasped at the painful jolt, not knowing what was going on.

"What the hell .." She mumbled, annoyed. "Oh no, no, no, no." She panicked, feeling she had a little problem. "Not that, please."

Regina had finished her shower and came back to the kitchen, fully dressed and with her hair combed back perfectly. She saw her sister with the cookies and gasped.
"Zelena! I told you not to eat the cookies!" She stomped over and looked at the woman. "They're for the tea, not to senselessly stuff your mouth!" She told the woman and looked at her as the woman's face was a little twisted.

"What's wrong?" She asked but her sister just smiled and shook her head.
"Nothing!" She said, but Regina was unconvinced of her sister's suspiciously quick answer.
"Nothing is wrong huh..." She said and took the cookie from her sister before shoving it into her mouth, causing another painful reaction as she was forced to bite down on it.

"Owww~ Stop that." The woman held her face and had tears in her eyes.
"Let me see that." Regina wanted to open Zelena's mouth, but the woman resisted and took a few steps back.
"No, go away! I'm fine... Nothing is wrong with me." She said and quickly put the kitchen island between the two of them. Regina cocked an eyebrow and leaned over.
"I will get you." She said and started to chase Zelena around the kitchen. They kept running in circles until Regina almost caught her. She made a jump for it and tackled the redhead to the floor and straddled her.
"Open up wide~" She purred and forced the woman's mouth open. She could easily spot the rotten molar and shook her head. "Guess we have to call Dr. Soren again." She said and crossed her arms. "No more sweets for you dear sister. Not until you saw the dentist." The brunette said authoritatively and Zelena whined.
"No~ why... Don't be mean. It's not so bad!" She said and tried to escape from under the woman, but even after a few attempts she had gotten absolutely nowhere.

"Please Regina, I'm begging you, don't bring me there!"

Zelena had always been afraid of the dentist, and Regina knew her weakness pretty well, but she did not see any other solution to her sister's problem, except for a doctor's visit.

"Zel... don't argue with me." She said seriously. "You need this. You will go to the dentist. End of discussion."

The redhead shook her head in disagreement.

"I said no." She whined, looking away from Regina's gaze. "And you can not force me to go."

Regina rolled her eyes but smiled, enjoying the silly reaction of her older sister.

"Stop acting like a child, sis." She rebuked her. "I'm sure your daughter would have more courage than you."

"Obviously!" She snorted. "She only has two teeth!"

Regina could not help but laugh. After all, her sister was right.


"It will hurt. I know."

"Maybe only for a few seconds, but if you do not go to the dentist, your tooth will hurt forever."

The redhead grimaced, looking at her sister with puppy eyes.

"If you love me, please do not bring me there ..." She begged.

"It's because I love you, I want you to go to the dentist. " she said softly. "I don't want to see you in pain."

"But Regina..."

"Listen to me." She stopped Zelena once more, looking at her firmly and softly at the same time. "Let's make a deal, shall we? You go to the dentist, and I'll be close to you all the time, and later I'll let you eat all the cookies you want... "

Zelena seemed to think about it, though Regina could perfectly notice the fear in her eyes.

"Zel, nothing terrible will happen to you. I'm sure you will not feel any pain." She said gently, trying to calm her down. "C'mon, show your daughter how brave you are!"

Zelena wasn't feeling particularly brave, but the promise of her sister was starting to look really tempting since she knew how well the woman could bake cookies. She bit her lip and looked at Robyn who was clapping in her high chair and smiling down at her mother.
"Okay, fine... Make an appointment then." The redhead sighed in defeat and Regina smiled victoriously. She got up and off the woman before pulling her sister along with her.
"That's my sister~" She said and went to grab her phone and made an appointment for the woman. Luckily she only had to deal with the pain for a couple more days.

On the day of the appointment, Zelena was slow to get out of bed. But after her sister showed up with fireballs blazing at her side did she rush to get ready. Regina just smirked as she drove the woman to the dentist.
"Honestly, you're making this a lot worse than it actually is you know." She looked at the redhead who was still pouting.
"I don't like it when people poke around in my mouth... Especially men with weird tools." She looked at her sister pointedly and Regina just shook her head. She parked the car and got out, but her sister was staying inside. She sighed and knocked on the hood as she moved closer to the building. Zelena looked at her and crossed her arms, not getting out of the car.

Regina knew this was going to happen, so the brunette took along a little motivation. She opened her bag and pulled out a container and promptly started to eat her famous chocolate chip cookies. She sat down on the hood and relaxed as she ate the delicious sweets. Zelena gasped and pouted more. She got out of the car and slammed the door shut before striding into the dentist's office with conviction.

"That went better than expected." Regina chuckled and followed her sister after finishing her cookie.

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