At The Holi Festival

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"Come on, Regina! Do not make useless excuses!" Zelena grumbled, grabbing her sister in her bedroom.

"I won't come Zel. It is useless that you keep trying to convince me!" The other woman complained, her arms crossed in front of her chest. Zelena snorted, rolling her eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous. You will come with me!" She exclaimed again. Zelena started to brush her hair in front of the mirror, carefully placing the curls on her shoulders.

"Belle has offered to take care of Robyn today, so I will not waste this opportunity for anything in the world. It will also be so fun, I can assure you, just don't be a buzzkill and give it a chance!"

Regina squinted at her sister's words.

"You know sis, I don't like your tone. I could easily set your hair on fire." She said with an evil, but fake smirk gracing her lips.

The redhead simply shook her head, chuckling slightly at the comment she had heard coming out of her sister's mouth so many times now.

"But we both know that you won't. So move your ass and put on some comfy clothes!"

"Don't push it Zelena." She warned.

Zelena only ignored her.

"Come on! The festival will start shortly!" She tried again, failing to hide her enthusiasm about it. And so, Regina got up and began to prepare, even if she still didn't like the idea.

Regina has always been stubborn, but at times her sister was even more so. Simply put, Zelena never accepted a 'no' as answer.

"You want to at least tell me what kind of festival is this?"

"Well, I'm not really sure, but Henry wanted to go pretty badly and he said it would be fun, so why not? Besides~ Emma will be there." Zelena said. "But you won't need any make up." The older sister added as she saw Regina reach for her lipstick. "From what I've heard, you'll be plenty colorful later."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Regina found out sooner than later as she stood in the middle of a bustle of people and colors were being thrown everywhere, covering her whole body in neon colors.

"Now I see..." Regina said and looked around in the madness of people. Somewhere in the middle of it there was Zelena as well, but she couldn't help noticing her son and Emma happily throwing the colored powder at each other. She made her way over to them and pulled Zelena along as well.

"Emma~ Henry~" Zelena shouted cheerfully over the music. The blonde looked up smiled.

"Hey there you two. Didn't think we'd see you out here."

"Why is that?" Regina asked and Emma bit her lip.

"Well... you... don't seem like the type?" She said carefully and the brunette chuckled.

"Well, you're not wrong. Zelena dragged me into this." She said and looked at her sister.

"I did not such thing~ I'm simply making you enjoy the finer things in life." The redhead said and Regina frowned at her. That's not what she was saying at home.

"So, Henry, are you enjoying it?" The brunette asked and ruffled her son's hair. As she did so, a puff of different colours came out, making Emma laugh.

"Yeah mom, this is a lot of fun!" He said and threw some of the powder on her, creating a big pink blob on her chest.

"Glad you're enjoying it." The brunette said and looked at Emma who was trying to hold back her laughter. Zelena carefully nudged her sister closer to Emma and then yelled.

"I'm going to get us some drinks~"

"I'll help carry them!" Henry said and they both ran off.

Emma and Regina looked at each other with a frown.

"Why do I have the feeling they are up to something?" The blonde asked and Regina nodded.

"I don't know... But they are obviously working together on whatever this is." The brunette said and looked at Emma slowly. The blonde smiled and shrugged.

"Well, let's go have some fun." She said and took Regina's hand in her own, holding it palm up and giving her some of the powder. "You should try it too~" The excitement was evident in Emma's voice. The older woman sighed and gave in.

"Very well..." She said and smirked mischievously before throwing some of it on Emma who gasped and immediately retaliated.

"Oh~ I will get you, your majesty!"

Regina began to run among the crowd, occasionally hiding behind other people, trying to not get caught by the blonde.

"You can't run away forever, Gina!" The blonde laughed, running after her.

"Oh really? Watch me!" She replied, using her magic to materialize a lot of colored powder to throw at the blonde.

Emma shook her head, shocked when she found herself completely yellow.

"You cheater!" She laughed again, succeeding this time to catch the brunette, blocking here in a dead end alley. "Here you are, your Majesty. You are exactly where I want you."

"Miss Swan, don't you dare-" Her tone should have been menacing, but the ex-evil queen betrayed herself with a soft chuckle.

A little grin spread on Emma's lips. She grabbed the brunette's wrists, pinning her back against the wall.
"Your face is a little too clean, don't you think?" She joked.

"Emma, ​​what are you ...?" She murmured, noticing Emma was slowly closing the distance between them. Their bodies now pressed together.
"This ..." The blonde smiled again, before pressing her lips against those of the brunette, still smiling. Regina was surprised as Emma kissed her so suddenly. She didn't close her eyes, nor did Emma. It was an instant, almost never ending moment, during which the two never ceased to look into each other's eyes. They broke the kiss only when both of them needed to breathe.

Emma took a step back, regarding the brunette with a satisfied smile.

"Now you're all pretty colored! Yellow looks good on you." The blonde chuckled, playfully touching the brunette's nose with her finger still stained with yellow.

Regina shook her head a little but laughed with her before pressing her lips on Emma's again. Her Emma.

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