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   Brier's P.O.V

   Bang! I spring up in my bed and look around my room, panicking about what's going on. I realize it was the front door slamming shut in an angry manner. I cautiously stand up onto the cold, white carpet and to my wooden door that is only cracked. I listen closely to what's going on in the living room. Hushed voices are heard throughout the hall.

   "Do you know what happened today, Masky?" A voice, Hoody, asks.

   "What, Hoody?"

   "That Westley kid is lying to Brier about loving her." All is silent for a long minute.

   "What do you mean?" Dad asks.

   "When Brier went to the park, Westley told her he loved her." Something falls to the ground in the living room. I jump slightly, trying my hardest to not be caught. They talk too quietly to hear.

   "That little bastard." What is wrong with Westley loving me? "I'll have to talk to her in the morning."

   The sound of footsteps walking towards my door has me running and jumping onto my bed face-first. I make it look like I was sleeping and crack my eyes slightly. My door opens and I see dad looking at me. He sighs and cracks my door again. As I go to open my eyes, my door opens again and I quickly shut my eyes. I peek through and see Hoody looking at me now. Hoody peers behind him and back to me. He walks over to me and brushes some hair from my face. He lifts his mask over his lips and kisses in between my eyes. He pulls it back down over his face and walks out of my room. How can not like him? He's so sweet and gentle and- stop! You're giving in. You love Westley! Whatever you'd like to believe. 


   The sound of my loud, obnoxious alarm fills my cold room. Monday. Yay. Not.

   I pull my tired body out of the bed and to my dresser. I pull out some light blue jeans with a regular black t-shirt. I pull on some black sandals and walk to my mirror. I brush my hair and skip the makeup. I'm too lazy on Mondays.

   Someone knocks on my door. "Come in." I groan, still exhausted.

   My dad walks inside and smiles slightly at me. I try to give it back, however I fail terribly. He sits on my bed and I sit next to him. "I think we need to talk about...something."

   I nod and think back to the conversation that was witnessed by me last night. "What is it?"

   Dad looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "I think that you shouldn't be with Westley." That was blunt.

   "Oh my gosh, Dad. Why?"

   "He just isn't the right one for you, Brier."

   "But why? What did he do? You can't be mad at someone for them telling me they love-"

   "He's cheating on you, Brier!" He yells over me. I fall silent and stare at him in disbelief.

   "How-" I start, then stop. "What?"

   Dad sighs and rubs his temples. "Last night Hoody and I talked and he said that while he was...out, he saw Westley kissing some bimbo in the park. He isn't right for you." He states sternly. Tears well up into my eyes. I quickly rush out the door with my shoes in hand. I ignore my family and run to a hiding place I know well.

   The small shed still looks the same since the last time I saw it. I open the door and walk inside. I slam the door shut and sit on the chair. It still has the same comfort. As before.

   I put my face in my hands and try to calm down my nerves. Everything in me is shaking. All from sadness, doubt, fear, and worry. What if he is right? What if Westley is cheating? He told me he loved me. How could someone be so cruel as to tell someone they love them then cheat? Westley and I were supposed to get married. Have two kids and live in a nice house. What happens with my plans now?

   I stand up and walk around the small shed. The last time I visited was four years ago. The last time Hoody and I played a children's game. The last day with my full innocence. The memory replays in my head like a home movie. We were playing hide and seek. After he had won, of course, he sat me down in the chair and told me the truth about the family. How everyone murders. Even Sally, and she's an eight year old. A forever eight year old.

   I was shocked, however I knew the secret very well. I knew when I was ten. Mom and Dad didn't know I knew. That's all over now, though. I've already made the choice that I want to stay the purest I can. I chose not to kill. That can be a hard thing to handle, sometimes. Especially when you and your family knows how to hide the gruseomest of murders.

   My mind flashes back to reality. I stare at the wall of the shed and study the small holes. The shed is about 9x9. Not that small. Big enough to hold a small table, chair, and tiny fridge. All things that Hoody stole for me. I open the fridge. Somehow, it still works. Hoody fixed the electricity in here to let me be able to plug it in so that's why. All that's inside us a few old root beers, some old candy, and a rotting apple. I used to love apples.

   I close the door and lean against the wall. The past fifteen years have gone by so fast. What can I do? Live the rest of the years. Fifteen is young. True.

   The door opens and Hoody walks inside. "Why are you here, Bri?" He asks as he walks over to me.

   "Because you told dad Westley is cheating on me." I walk away from him. He grabs my waist before I can walk out the door and pushes me against the wall.

   "What I told him is true." He says in a low tone. My breathing catches in my throat at the thought of how close we are.

   "W-well I don't believe that." I try to hide the way my knees shake and my heart aches.

   "You don't, do you?" I shake my head.

   "Westley is sweet and would never hurt me." Hoody leans in closer towards me. He must know how much this kills me. He'd be crazy not to.

   "I'll show you how sweet of a guy your little liar is." He lets go of my waist and walks out, leaving me to pant and my heart to beat quickly.

   This man's going to kill me.


   I'm ask sorry about not updating. I've been cleaning and babysitting and dealing with school and writer's block big time. *sighs stressfully*

   Anyways, I'm trying to keep up with all of my books. I'm currently writing an unpublished book about a ghost and a girl falling in love. Also, today I'll be posting Insane Flowers, a Niall fan fiction, for a friend.

   Thanks for reading my lovelies!



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