t w e n t y - f o u r

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"it's fine. i can wait for you, yoongi. my life isn't exactly that busy." jimin said in a soft tone, but loud enough for yoongi to hear him clearly. "it sure seems busy. i mean you have such a huge following on twitter." 

"those are just people who follow me cause i look good. i mean not to be cocky or anything im just saying, im pretty attractive and people follow me because of it. i swear im not the male, asian gretchen wieners." 

"from what i see you don't wear pink on wednesdays, so you're excused." yoongi remarked, letting out a slight chuckle. jimin nodded as he looked yoongi up and down, just realizing he's literally wearing pajamas. "why are you in your pajamas and no shoes, late at night, in a convenience store, if i may so ask." 

"oh, i- um. n-no reason." yoongi stuttered, mentally slapping himself for doing so. jimin took a step forward, looking yoongi in the eye, their faces only inches apart. "looks like one thing hasn't changed, you're still a really bad liar." a smirk found its way onto jimin's face, while yoongi's was painted a deep red, flustered to no end.

jimin pulled away from his oh-so close stature and clicked his tongue. "so are you going to tell me the truth or not?" yoongi nodded, his hand against his face attempting to cover his obvious blushing. "i- my mom kicked me out. s-she got drunk and- yeah." 

"oh, is that so? it would appear you have no place to stay." jimin thought out loud, scratching his chin in a sarcastic manner. "thankfully, i have an apartment which is just perfect for you to stay in." jimin insisted, a cheeky smile that did not match the tone of his voice.

"you don't have to, really." yoongi protested. there was no way he would agree to stay with park jimin in his house overnight.  "but i want to." jimin replied, emotionless, smile faded from his face.

yoongi shook his head furiously, "its really not a good idea, jimin." said male raised his eyebrow, nodding his head. "neither is you finding a hotel to sleep in. i mean who would let someone —god forbid — without shoes into one of their rooms?" yoongi opened his mouth to protest, but no words came out. "thats what i thought. now how about you grab your ramen and we can go back to my place?" 

"that sounds like a line from a really bad porno. to top it off, why don't i just spill my ramen on myself and apologize about how clumsy i am." yoongi cocked his eyebrow, his arms reaching out for the hot ramen. "you're a special one, aren't you." jimin smiled, taking ahold of yoongi's forearm, slightly pulling for him to leave the store with him.

yoongi pulled his arm back, insisting he wasn't an old lady and didn't need to be assisted to jimin's vehicle. "bye kyungsoo, thank you for the ramen!" yoongi yelled before following jimin out of the small corner shop. "so where's your car." he asked, looking around.

"i don't have a car." jimin stated, walking down the sidewalk and making a left, yoongi following closely behind. "then how are we going to get back to your apartment?" yoongi whined. 

while yoongi was whining, jimin had situated himself on a motorcycle. "like this, of course." yoongi's jaw dropped as he shook his head furiously. "there is no way in hell im riding that thing.

"would you rather walk?"


"that's what i thought. now get on." 

yoongi looked down at his container of ramen, barely touched. "b-but my ramen! i didn't eat it yet and i can't just waste it." he whined, directly afterwards taking a large bite of said food. "toss it. im sure some homeless guy will be very thankful for your donation." 

yoongi sighed, taking another generous bite before carefully placing it next to a garbage can that was conveniently nearby. after doing so, he hesitantly got on jimin's motorcycle, placing his hands on the younger's shoulders. "can you please not go too fast, jimin." he begged once he heard the engine turn on.

"no promises babe." 

"babe? oh my god park jimin ill have you know i am n-" yoongi was cut off by the sudden acceleration of the motorcycle, that was definitely over the speed limit. as a reflex, yoongi moved his arms to jimin's waist, clutching onto him like there was no tomorrow. yoongi's cheek was pressed against the back of jimin's shoulders, eyes shut tight. 

'i knew i shouldn't have consented.' yoongi thought, unable to wait for this ride to be over. he kept glancing his eyes open to see if they've parked somewhere but he was always met with the same thing, either buildings rushing by or a stop light. 'why the hell is this taking so long?'  yoongi complained mentally. as if jimin could read his mind, he spoke up. "we are basically there. sorry it's taking so long." he apologized, once again speeding up. 

after a minute or two, jimin came to a stop at what looked like an abandoned playground. yoongi opened his eyes and sat up, his arms immediately removing from jimin's torso. the place looked oddly familiar to yoongi, and he didn't know why. "where are we?" 

"somewhere special." jimin muttered, staring at a certain swingset. he got off the motorcycle, slowly walking towards it. "what?" yoongi interrogated, getting up and following him. "what do you special? special as in where im going to be murdered right now?" yoongi bombarded jimin with questions about where they were, and was continuously met with silence. 

jimin sat on one of the swings, the chains immediately dipping, and a creaking noise to be heard. he swung slowly, barely getting off the ground while staring at the grass beneath him. "i always wondered if id be here again with you." jimin said softly, his hands running across the cold metal of the chains. "what do you mean? what is this place." "now look who doesn't remember." jimin chuckled, pushing his hair back. "this is where we would go every day as kids. i remember we would sit on these exact swings, pushing each other until we got sick. then we'd do it again. sometimes we slept overnight here, in the tunnel by the slides. used to bring snacks and soda, stay up until we got scared of the pitch blackness of the night. right here on these swings, was also the day i told you i couldn't be your friend anymore. looking back on it, i was such a harsh kid, you know? told you right away that i didn't care for you anymore and that i wanted my friendship bracelet back. no wonder you hate me so much. i basically ruined your life." 

in the span of the lengthy explanation jimin told, yoongi had tears in the corner of his eyes, and he found himself hugging jimin. hugging him like how he hugged him when they were kids, tight and meaningful. now both men were in tears, clutching onto each other like they were going to die in ten minutes. 

yoongi pulled back abruptly, realizing what he was doing. he wiped his eyes and sniffled, shaking his head. "this isn't right. you hurt me jimin. and you know you did. do you know how devastated i was? i was the fucking definition of a depressed 10 year old. don't you understand how broken i am now? don't you get that my trust issues are at a minimum, i can't even trust my mother anymore and here you are taking me to the place in which you broke my heart? that's rich, jimin. that's real rich. i can find elsewhere to stay, okay? i told you this wasn't a good idea. but you were never one to listen." yoongi scolded, sniffles in between every sentence. he turned around immediately, making his way to the sidewalk.


"don't you get it jimin? no means fucking no. didn't you listen in fifth grade?" 


*cough* well that was an emotional chapter. damn.

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