t w e n t y - f i v e

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yoongi was walking down an empty road, lined with abandoned buildings and no sign of any human life. the darkness overcame the streets, of which yoongi did not know the name of. all the street signs were rusted and broken apart, illegible to the human eye.

his phone had no signal, so he was fucked. "jesus motherfucking christ how the hell did this even happen." yoongi groaned, looking around the streets. he spotted a building down the current road he was on, and it had a faint light emitting from the inside.

yoongi bolted towards the building, not wasting any time. a sudden fear had overcome him. once he reached the door, he pushed it open, making a ding sound go off, which indicated a person has entered.

yoongi heard shuffling, and a small sob. "hello?" he called out, praying it wasn't some psycho serial killer. "hello?" he tried again.

"p-please don't h-hurt me-" a male voice cried, a sniffle following.

"im not going to hurt you. maybe if you actually stood up we could have a conversation." yoongi suggested, trying to look at the boy hiding behind the front desk. slowly, the boy emerged from the desk. he had dark brown with green highlights, which honestly looked pretty good on him. "w-why are you here?" questioned the boy, his brown eyes looking up to meet yoongi's.

"im sort of lost, and this building is the only one with a light on. so here i am." the older smiled, pointing to himself. "min yoongi." he held his hand out towards the boy.

"k-kim taehyung." the boy walked a bit closer to the male and placed his hand in yoongi's, shaking it lightly. "a-are you hungry? we-i have some food here." taehyung offered, nervousness laced in his deep voice.

"m' not necessarily hungry. im really tired. long day, you know?" yoongi explained, taking a look around the barber shop. it was obviously abandoned, most objects laced with dust or spider webs. "oh, you can sleep in - uh - right there, i guess." taehyung pondered for a moment before pointing to a small blanket on the floor, a single pillow at the head. "b-but thats where i sleep as well. i mean if y-you dont feel comfortable sleeping on the s-same thing than its okay and i can move but-"

"you talk a lot." yoongi cocked his head to the side, a small smile forming on his lips. "im fine with sleeping on the same blanket, kid." yoongi assured him, walking past taehyung to sit down on half of the small blanket, which was rather difficult to do. "o-oh okay." taehyung mumbled, turning around to walk to the 'bed'. he situated himself on the other half and played with his own hands, staring up at the ceiling.

yoongi was facing the wall on his side, so he didnt take up too much space. he was the one intruding on this poor boy's bed after all. "how did you get lost." taehyung asked out of nowhere, breaking the ringing silence.

"long story short, i got kicked out and didnt have a place to go." he figured it was better to leave out the jimin part, for that was definitely a long story. "oh, im sorry about that." the younger mumbled, his voice only above a whisper. "dont be. anyways, why are you here all alone in an abandoned shop?" yoongi raised his eyebrow even though the latter couldnt see him.

"also a long story. you wouldnt want to hear it." taehyung insisted, rubbing his eyes. "if you say so, kid." yoongi replied, a yawn following.

"goodnight yoongi."

"night, taehyung."


yoongi woke up in the morning with a weak pressure around his waist. after a few seconds of pure confusion, he looked over to see taehyung's arms loosely wrapped around him. 'he must of done this in his sleep.' yoongi figured, gently nudging the boy. "taehyung, wake up."

the said boy slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times. he looked at where his arms were placed and immediately retracted them, sitting up. "f-fudge, im sorry. i didnt mean to- i have a tendency to hug things besides me and i forgot to tell you, im-"

"shush, taehyung. you can ramble on and on, i swear to god." yoongi interrupted while placing his index finger on the boy's mouth. yoongi sat up, which lead to him standing up and stretching his arms out.

"what have you got to eat around here?" yoongi raised his eyebrow, looking around. taehyung immediately got up, going to the corner and opening a small black bag. "o-oh i have u-um some snacks. its really o-only chips and w-water but, its something." taehyung stuttered, gingerly picking out a bag of chips and a water bottle for yoongi, handing it to the older boy.

yoongi smiled, untwisting the water bottle and taking a large gulp. "its sure better than nothing." the older boy twisted the cap back on, opening the bag of chips. yoongi turned his head to where taehyung was, finding the latter staring at him, jealousy obvious in his dainty eyes. "is this your last pack?"

the boy nodded.

"lets find a convenience store, yeah?" yoongi suggested, reaching out for the boy's hand. taehyung hesitantly placed his hand in the older boy's, who pulled him out of the shop. thankfully, taehyung had grabbed a hold of the small bag, as it was loosely hanging from his shoulder. "can i put my shoes on f-first?" taehyung asked as he stopped yoongi in the middle of the sidewalk. "of course," yoongi replied.

taehyung reached into his small bag and pulled out a pair of beaten-down flip flops, sliding his feet into them. for the first time, yoongi actually looked taehyung up and down. he was wearing a grey shirt with obvious rips in it, and loose black pants. he was also unbelievably thin, yoongi was scared he would snap his wrist when he had pulled him out of the shop.

"ready." taehyung smiled for the first time since yoongi met him, his lips forming into a sort of box shape. the younger boy threw the bag back onto his shoulder and took yoongi's hand in his without hesitation.

"so do you know your way around here? how will we find a convenience store?" taehyung asked, swinging their hands childishly. he had went from shy to such a playful guy in a matter of minutes. "not at all, but ill figure it out." yoongi smiled, walking down a miscellaneous road.



damn look at all that juicy taegi. sorry guys it adds to the plot :)

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