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"Rebecca! Come down or you'll be late!" My mom said. I was struggling to put my shoes on (note I was in a rush I had overslept). As I was running down the stairs I nearly tripped good thing my dad was there to catch me. My dad is my inspiration, mentor and hero. Back in his time, he was best known as "Shadow" he was a NBA player for the Bulls. "Thanks, Dad" I said catching my breath.
"I told you I'd always catch you Rebecca."

"Always!" I screamed running out the door to my baby. By baby I mean my Black Dodge Challenger. I love my car don't judge me! Anyway as you know my name is Rebecca Destiny May but my friends call me Becca. My parents are Daniel Ean May and Alexis Rose May. I am officially 17 years old as of yesterday lame I know. To be born the day before school starts isn't my lucky day but that's what makes me a Leo. I'm also officially a senior since my birthday's early and lastly, I attend CarriageVille High School.

Before summer break I was what you would say "White as Casper the friendly ghost." My body was as straight as a line and my hair sure did change. Now I'm roughly what 5'3?I have a soft tan color, my body is curvy from all the dancing I have done. (Hispanic, belly dancing) My hair used to be close to my hips but, with entering a new year with new opportunities, I decided on a change. I cut my hair. With all the humidity my hair become very curly and I honestly like it.

  Today is the first day of school and I'm currently running late. Damn! What a way to start the new school year! I really need to get a move on.As I was getting out my car I was tackled to the ground literally by my best friend Carrie but, I tend to call her Care Bear (She doesn't like it but she'll live). Fuck! I missed her I haven't seen her since the last day of school. Okay so let me clarify: over summer I had gone to a dance camp in the Caribbean islands(future dream a dancer). And I was so busy that I couldn't keep in touch much.


She practically screamed it to the whole world drawing eyes to us immediately. "What are you looking at huh?!" Carrie can be a little scary so everyone went back to what the where doing, she's crazy but I love her. As I was getting up I said "Yea yea I missed you too Care Bear."

"Will you ever stop calling me that!"


"Hello my sexy Bec."Interrupting my conversation in comes in Derek Black. Aka my boyfriend for the past year. To cut the story short, the only reason we are dating is because it benefits both of us. While I'm a straight A student but some how semi popular he's the guy that doesn't really pay attention and also popular. So I help him, but everyone knows between us there no love.

"Love". That simple four letter word is a mystery to me. I've never fallen in love in my whole 17 years of life. Maybe I just have to wait for the "one."

"Sup babe. " We gave the usual short kiss and I drifted into my thoughts while Care Bear and Dereck talk. Shortly, I was snapped out of my thoughts as Care Bear and Derek began talking about something intriguing. Knowing me I just had to listen.

"Yo Derek! I heard there's a transfer this year you know anything about it?"

"You know it!From what I heard it's a girl, she moved here from Iowa and if I remember correctly,her name is Alice."

"Alice? Huh, well anyway the bell's about to ring lets go!" I screamed as I begging dragging them down the hall. I was already almost late this morning and I don't need to be late one the first day. Alice? Why do I feel like something big is gonna happen today. Urgh come on Becca what are you doing?! Why are you focusing so much on this? Anyways as we get to me and Carries home room Dereck places a kiss on my lips and heads to his.

  We entered our home room and we took are seats which I was glad that Carrie got to sit next to me. Some people came and told me "Welcome back " and others asked "How was camp?",but ended after the teacher walked in after that it all past in blur. You know just the usual the teacher talking and nobody obviously listening. Then all you hear was the door open everyone turns their heads to see someone walking in. It felt as if time stopped. "Everyone, this is Alice Marie Carter...."

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