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"Alice get you ass up right now!" Screeched my so called "father". But I had no other option but to get up, unless I wanted another beating. Anyway hi, my name is Alice Marie Carter. I'm 17 years old and my "father" and his new girlfriend moved us here from Iowa. I'm currently a senior now attending CarrigeVille High. I have long, dark, brown hair almost black, and blue eyes. My eyes were the only thing I have of my mother.

No! Don't think about it be strong! As you can tell my mother is a touchy subject for me and eventually you'll see why. I get up and I head to my tiny closet and pick out a random shirt and a pair of jeans with my favorite converse. Next, I head into my bathroom attached to my room and quickly take care off my business. I head down stairs to seen my drunken father sloppily kissing his new slu-girlfriend Riley.

Just as I was about to head out the door unnoticed Riley yells out "Urgh! Why are you so fucking ugly?! You're just like your skank of a mother!" That hurt like a bitch but I can't let them see my pain. And with that my father walks up to and I can smell the booze on him.

"Slut you better be home right after school today! I have a very important guest coming over tonight am I clear?!" He says in a commanding tone.

"Yes sir." I say my voice just above a whisper and head out the door. How could they say I'm a slut! I'm a virgin! How dare that bitch talk about my mother that way! My mother was the most beautiful person to ever live. You may be asking "How'd everything turn out like this?" Well I'll tell you.

My mother met my father when she was in high school and the fell in love shortly after they graduated they got married and had me. My mother was a doctor while my father was a business man of some sort only after did I find out what it meant. Years went by and we seemed like the happiest family around, but that all ended when I was 13.


I had just got home from school and my mom and dad were arguing but the thing is they never argue. As I walked closer I heard they're conversation.

"Michael how could you?! Your a drug dealer?! You've been lying to me this whole time?! Why?! And what's worst you've been cheating behind my back! I thought you loved me?!"

That's when  I heard a loud slapping sound and looked in to the crack in the door. What I saw was my mom on the floor holding her hand to her cheek. She was speechless and only then I realized what he had done. He had slapped my mother, his wife. I was horrified but I stayed frozen in my spot.

"Sophia you bitch! You dare scream at me! I am the man of this house! You will obey and worship me! Don't you ever raise your voice at me ever again! I can do what ever I want and with whoever I want is that clear?!"

By now my mom eyes were flooding with tears as she hung her head low weeping. She hadn't responded to him and that made him furious so he slapped her again and said "Am I clear?!" I was so scared for her that I made a move and the fell with a thud. My father began to walk up to me but, my mother ran and clung to his arm in order to distract him.

"Michael no! Don't! Please!"

My mother had raised her voice and my father turned to her and slapped her for the third time and said "You will learn your place" in a deadly tone. He grabbed her my the hair and ripped her shirt to to shreds. My mother's face was covered in fear yelled to me to run but, I couldn't and she yelled again and I ran. All I heard the whole night was her screams.


If I only knew then what he had done like I did now. He, her husband, had rapped her. I had only hatred to my father. What he has done to my poor mother! She went crazy from his constant abused that she killed herself when I was 15. Tears pricked my eyes but I restrained them. I finally got to the school which was only a ten minute walk from my house.

As I entered the office the lady at the desks gave me a soft smile. "Hi, my names Alice Carter, I'm here to get my schedule."

"Aww yes Alice, we've been expecting you here you go follow me I'll show you to your home room."

And with that we headed done the hall she pointed to me my locker then proceeded further down the hall. After a few seconds we arrived to a door and she knocked. "Come in!" As we entered all eyes were on me and I hated it. "Everyone, this is Alice Marie Carter."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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