The Only Way

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{Where Suga accidentally hits Jisoo on Inkigayo, his conscience gets the better of him and he reaches to her via text to apologize (and a certain member may also be to blame). He doesn't realize how much this little detail would change his life.}

AU: Normal (Idol)

Era: Spring Day - Love Yourself

Relationship: Strangers to Lovers

Additional Info: OverprotectiveOppa!Jin, VerySupportive!Blackpink, VerySupportive!BTS

*Edited 05/26/20 - removed the pictures and replaced it with text transcripts, edited some words


Jin hadn't been his usual giddy and energetic self, preferring to sit on his bed and read which unnerved Suga immensely. He barely gets mad, but accidentally hitting his sister's thigh on TV probably let a sour taste on the older man's tongue. The younger man quickly apologized to the girl after their segment aired but it didn't seem enough.

There was a quick notification on his phone, making him glance at it.

[RM: Starting to think Jackson has a thing for Jisoo or he just likes Jinyoung with her a lot. Here's her number.

Suga: Are you sure this is her number?

RM: Yup.

RM: Can I say something about this?

Suga: No.]

Suga glanced at the quiet brown-haired man and sighed. If this was what it would take to bring him back to his usual, narcissistic, proud and funny self, then he'd do it. Well, that doesn't mean that he had to like it. His fingers hovered over the keyboard, wondering on how he'd start so that it wouldn't come off as creepy, shocking or some other negative adjective that comes to mind when doing things like this. Apparently, Jin's had enough of staring at him trying to form a coherent sentence and yells, making him yelp and type.

[Suga: Hi. This is Suga. Is this Jisoo?]

He's already cringing even before he sent it, opting to lay down on his bed. Okay, after apologizing, what's going to happen? On second thought, she could easily tell Jin that he texted her and God knows how overprotective Jin is with his relatives and stuff. His phone vibrated once more, a text from her agitating him.

[Suga: Hi. This is Suga. Is this Jisoo?

Jisoo: BTS' Min Yoongi?

Suga: Yeah. Is this Blackpink's Jisoo?]

There was a few seconds before she replied once more.

[Jisoo: Yes. Sorry, just had to make sure.

Jisoo: Is there something you need?]

Truth be told, if someone texted him like that, Suga wouldn't bother to answer. She was a rookie, granted, but he knew that she should've been more careful. But to finally get this over with, he continues just the same.

[Suga: I just wanted to apologize to you, about Inkigayo.

Jisoo: That was nothing, you don't have to worry. It's fine!

Jisoo: Is Jin-oppa mad? Did he make you do this?]

The black-haired man wants to answer that yes, it was her brother (though he hadn't pestered Yoongi to apologize), but there's also a part of him that feels guilty, especially after he saw that episode and saw how surprised she was when his hand accidentally hit her thigh so he opts to apologize once more. 5 minutes pass by and she doesn't respond, making him feel awkward waiting for another text. Then when he's just about ready to give up, she sends another text to apologize for the delay. It's to congratulate their new song and to reassure him that she'll handle her older brother. In hindsight, he should've felt relief had he not realized that maybe she'd rat him out.

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