Sleepless Nights

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{In which Min Yoongi has been suffering from nightmares and chats 'Solace', a person who always listens to anyone at anytime. What sets him apart is that fact that he would listen to her too.}

AU: Normal, Idol
Relationship: Online friends
Era: current (Love yourself/ Kiss and Make up)
Type: One-Shot

Should I continue the songs for the chap?


Sable: Hello?

This has got to be one of the stupidest ideas he's ever had, Yoongi thinks as he blinks tiredly at his phone in the darkness of his room. It was already 2 am in the morning and he's chatting a complete stranger.

Just as he's about to close the messenger app, there's a reply.

Solace: Hi!

Solace: You're new, aren't you?

Before logging into the app that Jungkook suggested him, Yoongi was prompted to input a codename to keep his identity anonymous if he so wished. It was shady, until he remembered the details of the app, but when he tried 'Suga', that was already taken so he's taking the next thing.

Sable: Yeah. My friend Ramen suggested this app to me.

The reply is much quicker than the others before.

Solace: He's a sweetheart. It's good to see he's better.

Sable: How long have you two been talking?

Solace: About 3 years, though he hasn't chatted much in the previous year. I heard he got busy, but he still chats from time to time.

Solace: And you? What's on your mind, Sable?

His jaw clenches at the question. That's the thing: there's nothing, which would have been ideal for sleep but he can't, for some fucking reason.

Sable: Honestly, nothing.

Sable: I just want someone to talk to.

Honestly, Yoongi thinks it's pathetic to resort to this app; he's got the boys, right? But sometimes he just needs some time alone. Or maybe with someone else. Apparently, the 'Solace' App has you chat with a username called Solace to help you sleep. He's not entirely sure if this 'Solace' is a robot or person, perhaps even multiple of them, but Jungkook hasn't had any problems using the app so he should be fine.

Solace: Hey, that's perfectly fine with me.

Solace: I saw a cute dog earlier with pink ears. Made me think of dying my Dalgomie's fur.

As the conversation continues on, the producer can't help but feel grateful for the other person continuously supplying topics until he's warmed up and talking back with vigor. Exhaustion's at the back of his head when they finish a little tangent about food, so he admits that he's going to sleep. It's only been an hour and a half, he belatedly realizes.

Sable: I'm gonna go jet for a snooze, if that's okay with you?

Solace: It makes me really happy when I help people sleep. Have good dreams, Sable.

Sable: You too.


It takes him two weeks to have some time to himself, but when he's immediately woken from a nightmare, Yoongi finds himself reaching for his phone and chatting Solace, reluctant to wake Jin whose quiet snores accompany his staccato heartbeat.

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