Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Theo’s POV

It’s been a week since the day I talk to Hillary under the tree and so far things have been…. Well… ok... I guess (?) Hillary and I just have small conversation every once in a while, just a simple hi or hello. Not that I’m complaining bit I wish we could have a long heart to heart talk. I would never forgive my self for getting out of control a few weeks back when I punched and kicked her, I just cant believe how much of a monster I am for her.

Sometimes I wonder if she is even happier with Zayn than with me? What the hell Theo, don’t think that way, she’s probably just faking it.

Hillary’s POV

Today Zayn and I are going to a near by carnival and just enjoy each other’s company. Zayn and I have been spending time nonstop this week, but lately he is being so distance that’s why we are going to the carnival to catch up.

Zayn and I have said the “I love you” word couple days after my small talk with Theo under the tree. 

Then I head a knock on my dorm, I open it and see Zayn standing in a burgundy V-neck and black jeans.

“Hey babe” he said and kissed me

“Hi” I replied

“you look stunning today”  He said checking me out and I blushed

“I love it when you blush” he said, as he kissed me again hard and rough this time, one hand cupped my checks and his next move got me by shock, he squeezed my ass and I gasped and pulled away.

“No funny business in the hall way Malik” I said and he chuckled lightly

“I can’t help it babe you are just so sexy” he said

“Maybe latter” I said and began walking in front of him and he quickly catch up intertwining our finger

*At the carnival*

“Zayn Look!” I said pointing on an empty line to the roller coaster

“uhh… yeah” he said and looked at the gorund, I he scared?

“awww!! Is my Zanie Waynie afraid of a widdle woller coaster?” I said in a baby voice

“what? he said i just don’t fancy rides like that” he said, and I raised my eyebrows at him

“Come on I want to ride it” I said dragging him by his hand

“What?!” he said “No no no… uhh.. you go ahead” he continued

“Come on.. one time?” I said

“un less you are a scaredy cat” I said smiking

“no… that.. that don’t scare me one bit” he said but that didn’t fool me

“ok then… I’ll just have to hug some random BOY stranger in the ride, because I get scared half way” I said smirking and his face harden


we make our way to the ride and sit on the second row.

I know Zayn’s afraid so I hold his hand and tell him it gonna be ok

Then the ride start to pull up, at the ride Zayn keeps on shouting very colorful words.

The ride soon stooped and Zayn’s face looked like he seen a ghost

“Im never gonna ride this ever again” he said and I laugh

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