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I swear who ever invented alarm clocks better be burning in hell. Sitting up I was greeted with the same ugly broken reflection like every other day. I just wish I could look like those other girls at school, better yet have a normal life.

Creeping down stairs trying to make as little noise as possible I prayed that I still had my good luck. Turning into the kitchen I was met with a very powerful slap. "Where the hell were you last night!" My father spat at me. Slowly I pointed to the closes window just knowing I'm going to be dead. "Girl you better answer me or you won't be walking for a month." He threatened. "You were with that boy weren't you."

I couldn't lie to him, he is my father after all, so I did what any other good girl would do and nodded my head. "You want to play with boys now. I was going to wait until your birthday but I think you can get your surprise early." My father spoke with a dreadful smirk. I was confused, scared but also curious to what he was talking about. My thoughts were cut off by him yelling, "get back here as soon as school is over."

Walking out into the cool air starting the walk to school I kept going over in my head about what the surprise was. As I passed Calum's house that's when I realised that Luke is going to kill me for ditching him again. Maybe I could ask Ashton to help me. No I can't do that. I don't want his friends to hate him. Sorry Luke but dad is way more scary then you.

Walking through the halls of the school heading to my locker, I felt like there was uneasy presence behind me. I was probably just paranoid.

A couple of minutes past and I couldn't help myself. I just had to turn around. Shockingly though no one was there. I am clearly going crazy right now. Just as I turn around I came face to face with the wannabe Luke. Also known as Michael.

"That was an idiotic thing you did yesterday. Luke was not happy at all." Michael whispered into my ear. I really didn't need to start a fight this morning so looking down I nodded my head. "You better not be planning to do that again. Or you know what will happen." He hissed. All of a sudden I felt myself falling, but oddly enough I wasn't met with the ground instead I was met with strong arms.

"Leave her alone Michael." I know that voice. But why would he do that, they could turn on him. "Awe, come on Ash it's fun." Michael said with a sick smirk. There was an awkward silence but that was thankfully ended as the bell for first class went.

"Let's go Nessa." Ashton said wrapping an arm around my waist guiding me to where I was heading in the first place. I must admit it felt nice knowing that he was there for me, but at the same time it was awkward as he use to hurt me too.

Skip to lunch:

It's just gotten strange now. For the whole day Ashton has been basically acting like a protective boyfriend. He has walked me to class. Waited for me at the end of class. And now he is sitting here with me at lunch. It's nice of him to do this but it's just too weird for me. Not only is it weird but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be in even more shit with you know who. Although the looks Luke has been giving Ashton is quit amusing.

A few moments later I. No we, we're walking to my English class. I really didn't want to go to this class I'd rather sit with Ashton then be here.

As I was about to walk into the classroom Ashton turned me around and pulled me into a hug whispering, "stay safe Ness." I was far beyond shocked with that. I think my face would look pretty funny though right now. But anyway. He hugged me and wants me to be safe.

Watching Ashton leave I walked into the room and saw there was a seat at the front of the room. Away from Luke. For once I don't need to sit near him. But of course he had other ideas, and grabbed my books placing them next to him. I didn't want him to win so I just slumped into my chair. "I'll give you five seconds." Luke growled. "Do as Luke says." My mouth just smacked the ground. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My teacher of all people took Luke's side.

Getting up I groaned as I walked to the back of the room and sat next to the dick head.

It was surprising, it was half way through class and I haven't been hurt yet or annoyed yet. Until. "Stay away from Ashton." Luke said with aggression clear in his voice. Stupidly I shocked my head stating to him that I wouldn't. "I said stay away from him." He said again squeezing my thigh so hard I started getting tears in my eyes.

I nodded but only so he would stop and as soon as he did, I stood up and shacked my head no again then sprinted out of the room leaving all my things behind.

Sprinting up to my front door and slamming it shut once I was inside, I was met by my father and some other man giving him money. Did he finally get a job or something. "Sweetie, your home early." My father announced. Wait he called me sweetie, what in hells world is going on. "Remember that surprise I was talking about?" My dad continued. Confused as hell I nodded my head eyeing the two of them off. "Well I got you a job." The money, the man, the looks I was getting. It all sunk in and as fast as I possibly could I tried opening the door. Tried being the key word as the sick bastard known as my father grabbed me around the waist and dragged me to my room. I didn't even fight the tears I just let them pour out. My own father sold me for sex, how could he.

The sick things this man had me do was just unspeakable of. But when he left I heard another mans voice downstairs and knew there was going to be more. This couldn't of been happening. I need to get out of here.

I grabbed my phone knowing that I only had one person's number in it. The one person I didn't want to ask. Slowly I pressed call and waited about 5 rings when I heard Luke's annoyed toned voice say hello.


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