Scary story 2

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Lights out

( these where the last entries in a teenagers diary )

Day 1 : 7am

I was never really on board with the whole outdoor camping experience. I tried my best finding all reasons and excuses not to go , but I guess that never works with me.


The bus ride was so noisy, everybody doing their own thing, going crazy,singing along to the music the bus radio played . I'm trying to read this book I found but can't concentrate with all the noise. I decided to plug in my ear piece and fall asleep to the song that's playing. "Saved by Khalid"


It's not so long till I was woken up by my dear friend Alice Torrens .

:3:30 pm

Curfew, atlas. We got settled in our cabins , their quite cozy and ... nice . It's got its own bathroom and all. Although the camp leaders look rather ... energetic , and not in a good way. I have to get going. We are starting our first activity and I'm actually looking forward to it.


Lights out is at nine thirty. The girls are going crazy, I'm not sure if it's because of the sugar rush their having or just the presence of being here. It's fun here , but one of the camp leaders creep me out. Something doesn't feel right about this place .

Day 2 : 5:41am

Last night I didn't immediately go to sleep, I stayed up a bit more to finish the book I was reading. I looked out the window through the curtain only to find out that the camp leaders were patrolling.

It's was weird because they still have to take us hiking tomorrow, which needs a lot of energy.

Well anyways while I was reading, one of the camp leaders stopped right next to the window where I was .

It was kinda creepy, so I decided to shut my book and pretend to sleep. Then I heard it. Go to sleep. It was so weird. How did it know. I shut my eyes and waited. Good girl. After that, I went to sleep.

I'm planning on telling the girls about this. I  don't think it's safe anymore.

:9:02 pm

I told the girls about it, they were quiet for a bit. Then they suggested that we stay up after nine thirty.


We are all very excited. We talked for awhile, 'till one of the female leaders came about and said " lights out ". Carmen switched off the lights and we all pretended to sleep. Well not me . Goodnight.


I woke up to giggling. The girls where talking about the activities we had today , it was quite funny listening their point of views.

I caught a glimpse by the side of Alex's window . It was a figure. It looked as if it could see me . "Lights out girls" still looking at me . "Yes sir" oh Alex . The figure left and kept patrolling.

Magie asked if they ever sleep. Normally one of the girls would throw a joke ,  but this time everyone kept quiet.

One: no one could think of a joke
Two: no one could answer
Three: there was a shadow by the door from outside.

"Girls I said lights out"

We all went silent and slept .


I woke up again, this time to someone using the bathroom. Alex. The girls started laughing __

Day 3: 5am

Shoot, last night I almost got caught. One of the leaders heard us , but she didn't warn us this time. She flung open the door, I managed to hide underneath my blankets. The only thing she said was " lights out " . It was silent, I thought maybe the girls went to bed . Instead this morning when I woke up , the cabin was empty. Maggie was still there , she was the only one that slept during that time .

: 2pm

We just came back from hiking. We got to see mountain lions, the leaders fed them while we watched them . It was interesting.

: 7pm

The food was great , we had meat and salad . Although the meat looked quite strange.

: 9pm

The cabin was quite empty , Maggie and I slept early to not repeat the event of last night .


Do you want to know what happened to your friends?

Day 4 : 4:56am

I'm not sure if I read correctly, but someone wrote in my diary. I showed Maggie, she was a bit worried. Overall this is our last day so we're packing up.

Next page ~


Yes or no


I guess yes .

You ate them.

Bridget Willson , you have just seen these words appear on your page . Calm down. It will all be over .

: 8am

We're all done packing getting ready to leave . This is the first time I'm actually realising it but , where are the rest of us . It seems other children from other cabins are missing. I can't believe this . The teachers aren't even here yet . We all got in to the buses . Well we only used one . One of the leaders got in the bus . I  hope this is good news bec-

Next page ~


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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