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It's morning at home (not Hawaii), so I can write this. Today one of my best friends has been clean from self harm for one year.

A whole year!!!

And she's survived a lot of stressful things and she's had to deal with me being problematic and just all this stuff.

But she did it!!

And I'm so proud and so happy and just like really ecstatic about this, you all have no idea.

And if she can do it, so can the rest of us! A year seems pretty imporsible to me right now, but I know someday I'll get to text her and tell her that I've done it. And I can't wait for that day and just ahhh it's gonna be a good day.

Even if you're not a year clean, even if you're not a week clean, even if you're just five minutes, I'm really proud of anyone who's reading this and who's struggled.

Look at you! You're alive and you're still fighting and you're so beautiful and worthwhile and amazing!!

Even if it's a super bad day, give urself a hug from me, because you're doing great.

And (for the all of two people who will read this) please join me in just giving my amazing, perfect, beautiful friend a really big imaginary party.

Here's to another year, darling. I know you can make it and I love you so much and you're the smartest person I know. You work super hard and just ahhh I have so many feelings and I'm so happy for you. <3

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