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Basically I just did this because I was bored. And it's something better to think about than life currently. If you wanna answer these yourself, I fully encourage you to. :)

Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

Tbh, sometimes. It's just so weird that there are so many people out there that all have lives and feeling and experiences that I will never ever know.

On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

Like 2. In general, the dark doesn't bother me much.

The person you would never want to meet?

Jeffrey Star. The dude creeps me out and I'm definitely not a fan.

What is your favorite word?

This will sound cheesy, but "hope". It means so much to so many people and it's just a word that pretty much fuels life. If I'm gonna be not deep, probably "guillotine".

If you were a type of tree, what would you be?

Probably a japanese maple. Small and colorful.

When you looked in the mirror this morning, what was the first thing you thought?

What can I do to disguise the fact that I've been cursed with these chest growths?

What shirt are you wearing?

I actually really like this shirt. It's a tank-top I got in hawaii. It's dark grey and has this really cool sun and birds and roots in an orange to gold gradient.

What do you label yourself as?

I'm not really sure? I feel like I don't fit in with most labels all the way. I'm like a little bit of lots of things.

What were you doing at midnight last night?

Watching Supernatural.

Favorite age you've been so far?

Like 6 i guess. I was still sweet back then and not old enough to be a jerk yet.

Who told you that they loved you last?

My dad, I think.

Your worst enemy?

Myself, to be honest.

What is your current desktop picture?

It's a picture of dean winchester and the rest of the disney princesses

Do you like someone?

Very very much.

Last song you listened to?

He is the same - Jon Bellion

You can press a button that makes any one person explode. Who would you blow up?

Lenin's body. Can you imagine? It's on display and suddenly *pop*. It would freak so many people out.

Who would you really just like to punch in the face?

Our esteemed president.

If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?

Jk Rowling. I'd make her write a young marauders book.

What is your best physical attribute?

Uhhh idk. I don't like a lot of things about my body. People have told me my eye color is kind of cool before.

If you were the opposite se for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?

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