Back in the past

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Naruto groaned as she came to her senses. "" "....n't kn....bu......rry.......ring......ital" She couldn't comprehend what she was hearing but all she could register was that she wasn't alone anymore. She forced and willed herself to open her eyes to see who they were and she had just managed to do so for only a brief moment but that was enough because she saw her family well and alive. Not dead and for now that was enough for her as she succumbed to the darkness pulling her in once more.

The next time she regained her consciousness, Naruto was in a hospital bed with their standard patient attire on her. Looking down at her body she found that instead of her grown adult body, she was in her preteen body. It lacked some of the more distinct curves of her aged one had but it was still in tip top fighting condition. Just then, as she had sat up to inspect herself, the door opened. When she turned to look who it was she gasped. There in front of her stood Kakashi alive and young. "How are you doing love?"he asked giving a soft smile. 

She couldn't control herself. She flew out of the bed and into his arms. "Kakashi! I was so worried! I thought that I had lost you forever and oh I'm so happy that your alive!" Kakashi chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm right here and I won't ever leave you again. Trust me."Naruto closed her eyes as tears streamed out of them and buried her head into the crook of his neck. After staying like that for a while she parted from him and asked about what time they were in and what the situation was like.

"Currently we are some time back during the time the third Hokage was in office. This is sometime before the incident where Yahiko was killed. Also your birth was pushed back quite a bit and both Minato and Kushina are alive." During the last part Naruto drew in a sharp breath. 'My parents are alive? I'm not a orphan? But what about Kurama. I can still feel him inside me so what about Kushina? Also did Kurama know about this?' Then another thought hit her. 'Wait I need to talk to Kurama and I should probably bring Kakashi in my mindscape as well. The fox probably knows everything.'

"Kakashi I want to bring you into my minscape with Kurama I hope that's ok with you? He probably knows more than us and I want you to be there." Naruto asked him a serious look on her face. Kakashi nodded and Naruto found some paper and ink and began drawing a seal right away. Her face was scrunched up in concentration and Kakashi knew that he shouldn't disturb her in case she made a mistake that could end in them being blown to smithereens.

"Done!" Naruto shouted after a long moment. She was happy that she had managed to finish such a hard seal in such a short time. "It's the best I could do at the moment but it should work fine. You just need to put your hand on the seal and when I enter my mindscape you enter with me."

Kakashi examined the seal. It had a lot of layers and each were a different level of complicated. Naruto was truly a master of fūinjutsu and a talented one at that. Both put their hands on the seal and when Naruto entered her mindscape, Kakashi followed her as the seal flashed a white light allowing him to do so.

When Kakashi next opened his eyes he saw the forest of death or rather a very good replication of it. In front of was him was a lake though that was a original as well as a very large cave that sat near it. All in all it was a beautiful place. "Kakashi!" Naruto had materialized in front of him "How do you like it?" She asked in a hyped out tone. She wanted to know if she found the place nice. He gave a soft adoring smile. "Yes. I love it. It's almost as as beautiful as you." Naruto blushed at his words and Kakashi chuckled. He had missed making her blush. Naruto coughed into her hand and in an attempt to avoid more teasing said. "Come on inside the cave. Kurama is probably resting and being lazy inside there right now." Kakashi knew what she was doing and smirked but followed her inside the cave nonetheless. There would be time to tease and love her in a latter date but for now they needed to be informed.

As they both walked in Kakashi could make out the faint outline of the famed Nine Tailed Fox. "What do you want kit?" Kurama had asked without even opening his eyes "I want some answers and I know that you have them." Kurama finally opened his eyes a crack. Naruto had her hands on her hips and a face that told him there was no getting out of explaining their situation to them. Sighing he sat up cross-legged with his head tilted down to look at the two humans before him. The kit wouldn't leave him alone until she had what she wanted so the sooner he got it over with the better.

"Fine but absolutely no interrupting while I'm talking, no matter what. Am I clear." Naruto and Kakashi nodded showing their consent. Happy Kurama began "I made it so that in this world you were born earlier, though because of that Kushina can forget about having another baby and I was merely transferred to you from her when we came here but she probably doesn't know that. Because your birth was pushed back so much your parents were able to conceive you without any problems because that Tobi guy had yet to join the Akatsuki. Kakashi you are currently a chunin and the past occurrences still remain. Obito and Rin are still alive so you can save the Uchiha brat and that medic girl and knock down another thing in that long list of things to take care of. Neither of them are genin yet though but the exam is coming up soon so you will have to wait a while for you to get into teams. You should think of what you plan to do carefully from here on. Also you might have to explain that to that toad sage why your name is on that scroll and why that necklace is around you neck to that drunk woman. The third and your parents should also be told now that I think about it. It'll probably make thing easier for you."

As they took it in Naruto gave Kurama a quick bye and bought them outside her minscape. It was dark outside and looking at the watch that was conveniently placed on the bedside table they could tell it was a little over midnight. Naruto even though she had only woken up recently was tired and Kakashi saw it. "Why don't we hit the sack for now and we can think of what to do in the morning." Naruto nodded relief on face. As much as she would love to stay up and talk with Kakashi she knew that she would have to rest. Tomorrow had a lot in sore for them. With that they both got onto the hospital bed and slept peacefully with their body tangled in a comfortable position.

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