Chapter 10

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The following days were quite interesting to say the least. Naruto had adopted the new persona and acted her usual self all the while making small and unnoticed change to her personality along the way to accommodate with her past and new personality. Kakashi acted just like how he used to before the Obito incident. Which Naruto found very cute much to Minato despair and Kakashi's embarrassment.

Naruto true to her words went to Mount Myōboku with the white haired sage. Minato gave the excuse that she was doing some special training before the exams. Along with that the Hokage gave the ok for it to happen. So nobody was suspicious of anything. Minato and Kakashi were were also helping to keep things ordinary. And that is how they found themselves in this very situation.

Now Minato knew what Kakashi was like but at the same time he realized that he also only knew of the Kakashi from the past and the one from the future was different from the one he has come to know. When training started he could already tell the high level of difference that was in his skill. The fact that he used his sharingan in a way that would be enough to make any Uchiha jealous helped. He knew that as a fact as he has fought with a fair amount of the Uchiha. To say that Kakashi was on a completely different level from them would be insulting his abilities. Minato was thankful that he had set up strong barriers around the training ground. If he didn't then they would no doubt be broken easily and the cat would be out of the bag faster than you could say his name.

Kakashi and Minato continued with their training and it became a sore point for Minato that he wasn't able to make Kakashi pay for taking away his precious girl from him. He had admit that Kakashi would be able to fully protect her should the time come if that is needed.

Kakashi if he had heard this would have scoffed at Minato and told him that if anyone needed protecting that she would be the one providing it rather than receiving it. No one would be able to get her to sit still and be protected. She on the other hand was very capable of being able to do just that. Her personality just didn't allow herself to sit and just watch when she could be doing something to help.

~Meanwhile with Naruto~

Naruto was meditating and practicing absorbing nature chakra and so far she was able to do everything without a hitch. Jiraiya was off getting some of the seals that she had requested. She had started with her testing as soon as she had set foot on the mountain. She had just finished testing the Sage Mode, Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, Tailed Beast Mode, Tailed Beast Sage Mode, Six Paths Sage Mode, Six Paths Senjutsu Tailed Beast Mode, Nine-Tails Chakra Sage Mode and all she had left to test was the Six Paths Tailed Beast Sage Mode.

Breathing in and out she relaxed herself. Concentrating she focused on the form she wanted to take. Slowly she let herself change her form and felt the power fill her.

~Jiraiya pov ~

It hadn't been long since she had arrived here but she had already made so much progress. She had easily beaten him and went on to greater heights that he didn't even thing let alone imagine could exist. That girl was like a power source that never dried up and was always overflowing. How she managed to completely erase that presence whenever she wanted was an amazing feat in itself. Which she started doing soon after she had tried out some of her powers. "I'll be easier to not mess up and reveal myself if I start now." The possibility of that happening was so low that it seemed completely unnecessary. 

The girls skills in seal making was also astounding. Genius was the only word to describe it. Although he was a seal master he doubted that he would be able to beat his goddaughter if she got serious in using seals. Maybe he should study harder. He wouldn't be able to protect her when the time came for her to face the demons of her past. He would not be much use standing up to them but it was useless thinking of such things.

Well all he could do to help her now was to get the seals she requested. For now that was all.

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