Chapter 12

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"Naruto, love, I really need you to let go of me."

"Nooooooooo. I'm not letting go."

Kakashi was in a predicament. On one hand, he felt like giving into his beautiful wife who was using him as her personal body pillow but on the other, he knew that today was an important day for them. They would be assigned teams and meet their Jounin sensei.

"Honey I know that you want to sleep in but you need to go to the academy and I need to see Minato before we come to pick you up with Obito and Rin."

Grumbling, Naruto opened her eyes to flash a brilliant blue and mumbled out a "Fine."

Getting out of bed, she skipped to the bathroom first, saying over her shoulder, "You have to make breakfast though."

Giving a sigh, a mix of both resignation and relief, he walked into the kitchen. Even if he wasn't a master of the kitchen like his wife or Kushina, his culinary skills were nothing to laugh about either. He heard Naruto getting into the shower and took out everything he would need to make breakfast. The menu: Pancakes, Omelettes, Bacon and Toast. 

Just as the last dish was put on the table Naruto came out of their bedroom fully dressed.

"Smells delicious Kashi."

"If don't hurry then you'll be late."

"Doesn't matter, also I could just shushin there."

"Don't be too reckless. Now hurry eat and get out."

"Maa Kakashi who would believe that you love me if say something like that."

"I'll make up for it at night so hurry and go before your father comes and eats my head off."

"Oh so its because of Minato that your acting this way. Did he happen to give you one of his 'don't mess with my daughter' speech last night?"

"There's no way I'm going to risk finding out how much of what he threatened to do to me he will actually do. I like all my body parts intact, thank you very much."

" He won't do anything like that because if he did he would have to face me."

"You have 15 minutes to eat and get there."

"Such a stingy man. Fine I'll get out of your hair but I won't hold back at night. Bye hubby!"

Before Kakashi could so much as comprehend what she had said Naruto had grabbed a piece of toast and body flickered out of the house.

All Kakashi could do was sigh and hope everything turned out alright.

Meanwhile Naruto had reached the classroom full of graduates and took a seat next to Rin who greeted her nicely.

"Good morning Naruto"

"Morning Rin. How's it going?"


At this point Naruto had zoned out and nodded her head once in a while to make it look like she was paying attention. She was busy thinking about what they were planning to do after the graduation. There were so many things to consider and think through. The most recent event that was supposed to happen was that Obito would supposedly die.

Except that she was't going to let that happen now that she was here. This was the start of the chain of problems that had occurred. If she managed to somehow avoid this a lot of future problems would solve themselves, making their job easier.

While trying to figure out her next move, a Chunin had entered the room. "Is everyone here? Yes, then lets begin. You all are now officially ninjas and will for the first time be taking tasks. You will be in a four man group with a Jounin sensei and three genins. Remember this is a huge responsibility and follow the guide of your new sensei. Now i'll be assigning you to your groups. First, Tamaki Ryuuga, Izumi Shirozawa..."

Naruto stopped paying attention at that point since she knew that she would be in the same group as Rin and Obitio so it didn't matter that she wasn't listening.

When the instructor was finally done the new genins got into their groups. Rin was happy that Naruto was in her group while not so happy about Obito because of his careless nature. Obito on the other hand was ecstatic, he was grouped together with his crush and the daughter of the yellow flash. Naruto chatted with them for a while until Minato came and collected them.

She would never admit it but she was curious how things were going to turn out or change in this case with the added mix of her being there. Well she would see soon enough.


I feel like trowing a bone to you guys as a treat to celebrate the end my seemingly endless tests. Enjoy!

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