Target#2 Jack Short (Chapter 5)

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A/n: Hey guys, sorry that I wasn't able to make chapter 5 yesterday, I was busy with school, so here's Chapter 5.
Sid Fudo: "Alright baby, we have a new target to take down"

Becky: "what's his name honey?"

Sid Fudo: "His name is Jack Short, it's not a competition my love, but we have to do this together, as a couple, I need you to tell me where he is, when you get on the rooftops with your sniper, since we're both assassins, me being from The Creed and you by Hydra who are now died by Captain America"

Becky: "honey, please don't talk about Hydra in front of me"

Sid Fudo: "Oh, I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean too" looks down.

Becky: "hey, looks at me, Sid"

Sid Fudo: looks at her.

Becky: puts her hand on his cheek. "I love you you know that right?"

Sid Fudo: smiles and puts my hand on hers. "I know baby"

Becky: "good my love" kisses him deeply.

Sid Fudo: kisses her deeply back and wraps my arms around her waist.

Becky: wraps her arms around his neck.

Sid Fudo: puts my forehead on hers.

Becky: smiles.

Sid Fudo: smiles back "I love you so much baby"

Becky: "I love you too"

Sid Fudo: "let's get ready for the mission my love"

Becky: "Alright my dear" kisses his cheek, walks towards the room, opens the door, walks in the room, closes the door behind her and starts changing into her assassin clothes (the Outfit on the cover)

Sid Fudo: waits for her so I can be able to change into my robes.

Becky: comes out of the room and smiles.

Sid Fudo: smiles back, kisses her head, walks towards the room, closes the door behind me and starts changing into my Assassins robes.

Becky: waits for him with her arms behind her back.

Sid Fudo: puts on my weapons, comes out of the room, walks towards her and smiles. "Ready baby?"

Becky: smiles back, grabs her sniper  rifle and puts it on her shoulder. "Ready honey"

Sid Fudo: "let's go love" opens the door for her.

Becky: "Thank you baby" kisses his cheek, walks out of the house, with her sniper rifle and waits for him.

Sid Fudo: "your welcome my dear" smiles, walks out of the house, closes the door behind me, walks towards her and kisses her cheek.

Becky: blushes and giggles.

Sid Fudo: chuckles.

As Becky got in her position, she sees Jack Short walking towards a mysterious place, places her finger on her com.

Becky: looks through her scope of her sniper, sees Jack and puts her finger on her com link. "Sid, I see him, he's going to a place near your position"

Sid Fudo: hears her from my com. "On it Becky" follows Jack.

Jack: walks in the mysterious place.

Sid Fudo: continues following him.

Jack: sits down on a chair.

Sid Fudo: sits down a few tables away from him.

Becky: presses the on her com. "Sid, what is he doing?"

Sid Fudo: hears her voice and whispers. "He looks like he's waiting for someone?, I think I know who"

Becky: "who is it Sid?"

Sid Fudo: sees an old friend of mine. "Jaden Tsukuba"

Becky: "Jaden Tsukuba?"

Sid Fudo: "I saved him before, we meet, why would he be here of all places?"

Becky: "listen to the conservation Sid"

Sid Fudo: "Alright Becky" gets up, walks towards the table#3 which was near them.

Jaden: "We still have so much to cover in the fight against the humans"

Jack: "Yes we do, what do you want Jaden?"

Jaden: "I want you to join me in our fight"

Jack: "I'm sorry Jaden, I have a family now, I wish you good luck with this mission"

Jaden: "I understand, it's good to see you again Jack"

Jack: "you too Jaden" gets up, sees Sid and runs out.

Sid Fudo: runs after him.

Becky: sees the both of them running.

Jack: continues running.

Sid Fudo: jumps over some people, does a somersault and continues running after him.

Jack: goes into alley.

Sid Fudo: follows him.

Jack: at a dead end, turns around and breathes heavily.

Sid Fudo: walks towards him slowly, runs at him, jumps, activates my hidden blade and stabs him in the neck.

It starts to become like Assassin Creed, when they ask the target questions.

Jack: "you got boy, what do you want from me?"

Sid Fudo: "I want you to tell me what you and Jaden Tsukuba were talking about?"

Jack: "he's planning on going to attempt to destroy the CCG Headquarters with The Aogiri"

Sid Fudo: "why would he do that?"

Jack: "He's the Aogiri Tree's Captain, he calls the shots"

Sid Fudo: "not for long, because I am going to stop him" kill him with my hidden blade.

Jack: gasps and dies.

Changes back to normal, Sid and Becky meet up on the rooftops and tries to find a way to stop Jaden.

Sid Fudo: "Jack said that Jaden is going to destroy the CCG Headquarters and everyone in it"

Becky: puts her hand on her chin. "How are we going to stop him baby?"

Sid Fudo: "I have to go to The Aogiri myself, challenge Jaden and make him tell me himself"

Becky: "Sid, that's suicide, what would I do without you?"

Sid Fudo: "Becky, I need you to wait for me, please Becky, I'm begging you love, wait for me, I'll come back, I promise" kisses her deeply.

Becky: kisses him back deeply.

Sid Fudo: puts my forehead on hers. "I love you so much baby"

Becky: "I love you too honey" sobs.

Sid Fudo: hugs her.

Becky: hugs him back. "Please don't go" sniffs.

Sid Fudo: kisses her head and rubs her back. "I have to baby, I'll come back, I promise"

Becky: "okay my love"

Sid Fudo: "that's my girl" kisses her head.

Becky: smiles.

Sid Fudo: smiles back.
A/n: alright everyone, I'll end this chapter right here, I'll finish it in chapter 6 The fight against old friends begins, this is Arrowboy360 saying see ya and stay tuned for more.

Sid Fudo X Becky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now