The fight against old friends begins (Chapter 6)

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A/n: Hey everyone, arrowboy360 here, today is chapter 6 of the Fanfic, let's see what happens next in the chapter.
Sid Fudo: smiles back.

Becky: "you better come back, because I'm going to miss you so much baby"

Sid Fudo: "I know baby, I'll miss you so much too my love" hugs her.

Becky: hugs him back and kisses his cheek. "Come back alive"

Sid Fudo: "I will baby"

Becky: "that's my boy" smiles and giggles softly.

Sid Fudo: smiles back and chuckles. "My beautiful girl" caresses her cheek.

Becky: "my handsome boy" smiles and kisses him deeply.

Sid Fudo: kisses her back deeply.

Becky: looks at him, then looks down and has a tear coming down her cheek.

Sid Fudo: wipes off her tear and puts my hand on her chin. "I love you so much Becky"

Becky: "I love you too Sid"

After Sid left the house, he went to hunt down Jaden, who he has been friends with since Delgado's death, now, it's time to face him once and for all, this is his last time seeing Jaden.

Sid Fudo: "Jaden Tsukuba"

Jaden: "Sid Fudo" his left eye turns black, his kagune appears and cracks his finger.

Sid Fudo: "looks like this is going to end our friendship right here"

Jaden: "seems that way" gets ready to attack.

Sid Fudo: puts on my hood, grabs my sword, puts my hand behind me and stands ready to fight.

Jaden: runs at him and growls.

Sid Fudo: dodges and kicks his right side.

Jaden: grunts and holds his right side.

Sid Fudo: swirls my sword, puts it near his nape of his neck.

Jaden: chuckles a little. "so this is how it ends, the Assassin and the ghoul, ending the friendship here where Julie died"

Sid Fudo: "I'm sorry Jaden"

Jaden: "you don't have to apologize Sid, it's not your fault, it's mine, I wasn't able to save her, I believe you should kill me right here, where her blood used to be"

Sid Fudo: "no, I won't let you die here" puts my sword in my sheath and looks at him.

Jaden: smirks and stabs him in the stomach.

Sid Fudo: gasps, coughs up blood and falls on my knees.

Jaden: "you let your guard down Sid, I'm the one who is going to kill you, I always looked up at you as a brother, now I see you as a enemy"

Sid Fudo: groans.

Jaden: "I will kill you right here and now, Sid"

Sid Fudo: chuckles. "Good luck with that old friend"

Jaden: "huh?"

Sid Fudo: as my wound healed, I grabbed a glass from the ground and cuts his chest.

Jaden: grunts and holds his chest.

Sid Fudo: trips him.

Jaden: falls on his back and gasps.

Sid Fudo: pins him down, activates my hidden blade and places near his neck.

Jaden: chuckles a little. "Go ahead, do it!!"

Sid Fudo: shuves my hidden blade his neck and kills him.

Jaden: chuckles a little and stops breathing.

Sid Fudo: pulls out my hidden blade from his neck, retracts my hidden blade and closes his eyes.

Jaden: dies.

Sid Fudo: walks back to my house where Becky is and exhales.

After he gets to the house, knocks on the door, Becky opens the door, sees him, starts crying jumps into his arms and kisses him deeply.

Sid Fudo: knocks on the door.

Becky: opens the door, sees him, starts crying, jumps into his arms and kisses him deeply.

Sid Fudo: holds her and kisses her back deeply.

Becky: "I miss you so much"

Sid Fudo: "I miss you too baby"

Becky: "never leave me alone in the house"

Sid Fudo: "okay honey"

Becky: giggles and kisses him deeply.

Sid Fudo: chuckles and kisses her back deeply.

Becky: "I love you"

Sid Fudo: "I love you too"

Becky: "we been through a lot of stuff Sid, we should get married in a month or two"

Sid Fudo: "that's true, we should get married baby, after all what we been through together, we would be the best couple, that no one has ever seen"

Becky: blushes deep red, giggles and nods. "Yes we would baby" smiles.

Sid Fudo: smiles back.

Becky: snuggles into him.

Sid Fudo: snuggles with her.

Becky: "let's go to bed honey"

Sid Fudo: "alright my love, let's go to bed"

Becky: gets down from his arms, walks towards the room and waits for him with her arms behind her back.

Sid Fudo: walks towards the room, stands next to her and opens the door for her.

Becky: "Thank you baby" walks in the room, starts changing into pajamas, wears Sid's shirt and giggles.

Sid Fudo: "your welcome honey" walks in after her, closes the door behind me, looks at her, smiles, chuckles and starts changing into pajamas without a shirt since Becky had my shirt.

After they changed and went to bed they started to wonder what is going to happen next in their lives, since they live together now.
A/n: alright guys I'll end it right here, since I won't be able to finish during school, I will have to finish it later in the day, so I hope you guys like, so this is Arrowboy360 saying see ya.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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